Government Territory

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The resounding explosion rocked the earth. A heat wave swept over my back as I raced away from the inferno. My talons dug into the hard, lifeless ground with each foot fall. I opened my wings, catching air immediately. The moment I was airborn my head angled back toward the chaos.

Towering flames clawed at the night sky. Red and orange hues glowed across the dark ground. Even at my distance an unnatural heat radiated from the inferno.

This wasn't supposed to happen...

"Anada, what happened out there?" My captain's voice sounded stern and unhappy.

I hovered at the altitude, silent as the stars above my wings.

"Report, Anada. What happened?"

My talon tapped the tiny earpiece, "Remember our last resort?", I breathed out a controlled sigh, "It was the only choice left."

Eight hours earlier...

Our video chat with Mr.Liam confused me more than anyone else. My teammates seemed unfazed as they gathered their supplies.

I asked Westen, who was the nearest, "Mr.Liam says we're getting involved in a government issue. I know we're part of a government organization, but shouldn't there be some other branch that deals with a situation like this?"

Westen nodded, "You're right, and it's very rare that a team like ours would be called into something so confidential. Obviously, this mission specifically requires our abilities." His seriousness broke away as he grinned, "But hey, we can handle it, right?"

Westen's optimism killed my remaining doubts. I sent him a confident smile to let him know how I felt.

New Mexico was four hours from the location we were at. As always, I road along with Elias who drove with no complaints. The Hummer stayed within our sights during the whole drive.

"So what do you think about doing a mission on governement property?" Elias casually asked as we cruised down a long stretch of highway.

I shrugged, "It's somewhat odd, but isn't every mission like that? We also don't know the entirety of what this mission is focused upon."

"True," He glanced at me, "They wouldn't have called us in if we couldn't do it."

"But they wouldn't have called us in the first place if they couldn't have done it themselves." I reply pointedly.

"We'll have to see what they're requesting of us."

A tall chainlength fence with coils of barbed wire met us at the end of our ride. Multiple cameras were poised on the fence. A giant sign warned about no trespassing and the apprehension of anyone who did so.

The terrain had become dry and barren of all trees. I could see for miles around us. Not a single spot of green could be seen.

When there is a deserted landscape, my eyes are automatically pulled up to the sky. At that particular moment, the atmosphere was pure blue. There were cotton-like clouds floating distantly in the south. A blinding sun hung above the group of us. The air was hot, but not muggy and humid like the Southeast where my home was.

Several guards checked us in then allowed us to pass through the gateway. A serious- no nonsense- aura hung in the air here. Even Elias was more quiet as we followed the Hummer several more miles before the base finally came into sight.

If anyone saw the base from a distance they might have mistaken it for being a private airport or a very large storage center. We knew what this place was though. In my own eyes it appeared to be your average, intimidating government base: huge doors along the buildings and big trucks rolling across the landscape. What was this place used for? I had no idea.

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