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He awoke to the sound of his screaming alarm. He turned to his phone, groaning, and turning the alarm off. He wanted to press snooze but he had already done so three times and he knew this time he had to get up. He sluggishly dragged himself out of bed throwing on jeans, a grey
t-shirt, and his moss-green jacket.

He walked down stairs being greeted by his mother. "Good morning, Lance!" His mother said with a big grin spread across her face.

"Uh, morning? Why are you so cheery today. It's a little unsettling, did something happen?" He questioned sitting down at the table.

"Lance! Don't tell me you forgot! You're so absent minded! I swear, you'd forget your own hair if it weren't attached to you." She scoffed and walked into the kitchen, continuing to speak. "Its July 28, your birthday!" She said placing a plate with about 4 pancakes on it. They were covered with syrup, powdered sugar and a whole cans worth of whipped cream. They were also sprinkled with multiple chocolate chips.

The cuban boy looked at the plate and immediately picked up his fork. "Ah, yeah sorry. I didn't realize what today was." He laughed, "and thank you mom, I love you." He began to take a bite, only to struggle to keep it within his mouth.

"Lance, please attempt to be somewhat polite." His Brother, Marco chirped.

"Why? I'm at home, there is no need to."

"Well, one: you could choke. And two: you need to start practicing manners and such. You're fifteen now! You're gonna start talking to your soulmate soon."

"Oh yeah, I know! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what they're like!" He smiled, taking another bite too big for his mouth.

"Well just remember, you're still young, so you don't need to worry about meeting her yet. In fact, it may be best if you wait a little bit before meeting her, so you both have time to be kids and figure yourself out." His mother said taking her seat at the table with a fresh cup of coffee, she clutched in both her hands.

"What do you expect? For me to wanna get married immediately? Of course I'm gonna wait a little bit. But I still wanna meet my soulmate!" He said finishing his pancakes and taking his plate to the sink and rinsing it off. "Anyway mom, I gotta go! Me, Pidge, and Hunk are going to meet downtown near the library." The boy kissed his mother on the cheek, and waved to his brother bye. "Love you guys!" He yelled running out the door. He began walking thinking of what his soulmate was like. He was careful to only reference the person as 'my soulmate' straying away from pronouns, because, in all honesty he wasn't sure it was gonna be a girl. He never really cared about gender. He honestly just wanted someone who cared about him and whom he could laugh with.

Word Count: 500

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