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Stepping out of the car, he looked at his high school. He hadn't come here for three months so why did it feel like three years? And why did this feel so unfamiliar despite the fact that he had gone here for two years already?
The sign for his school looked newer. They must have painted it or something. The old sign was worn out and faded. One of the R's, the O, and the N had faded so much that they were barely visible anymore. This made the sign look like it said "Gari Public High School," but not anymore cause now it looked newer. The colors were bright and they fixed the chipped piece on the second R. Now it had the proper name of the High School. However, he wasn't used to the sign saying "Garrison Public High School." Is this why it felt so unfamiliar? Could such a little thing really change everything like this? Oh. He was doing it again. Over thinking things. Focusing on trivial matters. He does that when he's stressed. He doesn't really know if it helps or not. Regardless he had to go now.

Standing in line for his picture was painfully boring and irritating. But out of the corner of his eye he saw a dark hair boy. It was his friend, hunk. He wanted to leave to talk to him, but that meant losing his place in line and he didn't want to wait more than he already had to. He was almost to the front of the line anyway so it would be a complete waste anyway. He watched as his buddy walked away never even realizing Lance was so close to him. Hunk was a good friend, though, his build was a bit intimidating at first. He was tall and a little heavier, he had dark skin and brown, almost black, hair. But despite his scary stature, the boy was very gentle, and preferred talking over fighting. It was common for Hunk to make peace offerings for his friends who were fighting or arguing. The peace offerings were usually food, because Hunk was an extremely good cook, and he took pride in that.

Lance took a step forward becoming the next to have a photo taken. He began straightening his blue flannel, adjusting it over his white tee shirt. And finally it was his turn. The photographer, whose name tag said Zarkon, positioned Lance in an awkward position. His stance was oddly spread apart and his hands hung awkwardly out of his pants pockets. The lady, Haggar, was at a computer and asked for his name.
"Lance McClain" He said trying not to break the weird position. He gave a smile to the best of his ability and was met with a click and a blinding flash. It's like they want you to blink or something. He was finally able to move and was directed by a girl, who seemed to be a senior, to a table. There he was given his ID card with a picture that he swore he would never let anyone see. Then the same girl from before, whose name was apparently Allura, pointed to a table with another impossibly long line. Only this time it wasn't for his picture, it was for his schedule. This was gonna be a long day.

I may not update for a bit because my grades are kinda bad so my father may take away my phone. That would be fine cuz i have my school computer but he may remember i have that so it's possible he'll take that too. (Im not mad at him obviously, this is completely fair i do not do my work at all in my english class so yeah.) Anyway i may have my phone next week cuz i walk home and it's dangerous not to have it, but i may not get a chance to write cuz i have PSAT's next week. Anyway yeah.

Word Count: 670

AKA Love | KlanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora