Not your fault.

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I told Suzy to leave the house for a while cause i was planning a surprise for her. Suzy is outside with Kyungsoo talking which give's me time to plan everything. I started blowing into balloons all by myself making my cheeks hurt. I lit the candles and placed it on the floor.

I forgot about food. CRAP.

I ran outside running past Kyungsoo and Suzy.

"Oppa are you alright?" Suzy looked me weirdly.

"YES! BE RIGHT BACK!" I said trying to not make things obvious.

I ranned to the closet gas station nearby. I looked around the store to see what things suzy would like.


I grabbed a ramen bag and ice cream. I paid then left running back to the house. I immediately ran into the kitchen and placing the ice cream in the fridge and opening the ramen.

"AISH WHAT DO I DO!" I said to myself.

I opened the cabinets looking for a pot.

"YES I FOUND IT" i said jumping up and down.

5 Minutes later after done cooking the ramen. I ranned outside and blind folded Suzy and lead her to the living room.

I took the blindfold off of her. I looked at her for her reaction.

"OH OPPA! RAMEN!" She squealed and ranned to it.

"YAHH! You like Ramen more than me don't you?" I said sitting down across from her as she was already eating it.

We were eating our dinner like normal people. I fed her some ramen which was a mouthful.

"Suzyah that's enough!" I said laughing at her as she tried eating the whole pot.

"Ok! Im full anyways." She said wiping her mouth.

We both laughed. I picked her up suddenly and started pretending to drop her to scare her. After a few hours later we were in my room looking at pictures of us these past weeks.

"Oppa... do you think we would last.?" Suzy said all of the sudden.

"Why are you asking this now.?" I said as my smile faded away.

"You're going to be busy with your life anyways... And im just a celebrity busy." She said with her head down.

I held her hand and looked at her deeply in the eyes.

"Were always going to be together. No matter what the distance is. I promise to love you forever." I said touching her cheeks brushing a hair from her face.

We both layed down in silence. With her on my chest and im holding her is the way for me to end the night.


-The Day before Chanyeol's Graduation and Suzy's Tour-

I ranned to the MBC building seeing Suzy on stage rehearsing all sweaty and charismatic. She waved and i just sat there watching her perform. Her movements were so professional i was drooling. After she was done i went backstage with her holding her hand and talking to her about how my day went and how her's went.

"Tomorrow is my Graduation!" I said excitedly moving her hands and mine back and forth.

Suzy's smile started looking fake.

"Are you ok?" I said worried and turning to her.

She nodded.

"Oppa.. Tomorrow is the day." Suzy said sighing and looking around.

More than a Fan? (Bae Suzy and Chanyeol EXO)Where stories live. Discover now