Bored.. Yet SUPER Important

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So pretty much I'm just bored. This book is pretty much merely for this and any coming soon updates like "why I'm not posting anything this week" "why I'm not going to answer anything" "hey keep watch cuz the next chapter of ____ is coming out tomorrow or something" or even "Hey could somebody write me an Iruka centric naruto fanfic or a Kaidou centric saiki k fanfic"
So yeah. Read if you want.
Also super super super important:
If you like the idea one of my fanfiction stories or think you can do better, you CAN take the first up to the first three chapters- but that's it. You'll have to go on from there yourself and unless I've chosen to discontinue a book I've continue posting chapters for my own fanfic book. Now this is not the same as my oneshots from any of my "Lost Collection Of New Requests(insert fandom name here)" series. You may only take the first part of any "semi series" in there. For example in my "Lost Collection Of New Requests(Hunter x Hunter)" there is a "Gon Remembers" semi series- you can borrow the first chapter that has it.
Also- please request a "Lost Collection Of New Requests" book because I will write almost anything on the condition that you tell me the fandom or the basis of what you want. Like if you request "I want dream to kiss ink" on my "Lost Collection Of New Requests(Undertale)" book, I will write it. I promise.
Also, if you like the idea of one of my UCC Originals then you may place your own spin to it,Okay?
Finally, I will most likely also use this book to ask "Hey, what kind of book should I make next?" And the. Let you guys decide. Those chapters will have a This was posted on "day/month/year" and ended on "day/month/year" for decision making purposes.
(Fact: I will write all of the options, this just decides which has priority.)

Hope you have a clawsome day!!!!!!!
And please come back to read me or my purrfect puns!!!!

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