I'm Gonna Kill Him.....

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"I'd love to hear," Monte said. Wow, maybe he did care.

"Okay well, me and Kiya have both been in abusive relationships before, so there was that, but there's another thing. It's actually another reason people call me Skar. One day, when I was fifteen-" I was cut off by a sob and a few more unexpected tears. Monte pulled me back into his now bare chest.

"Shh, it's alright. Whatever happened will never happen again. Escape The Fate and Falling In Reverse will always keep you and Kiya safe. I know your gonna be around for awhile anyways," Monte said as he rubbed small circles on my back. Why was he so nice? I was confused and didn't really like it. I went with it though, he may become my only friend outside of Kiya, David and Brenda. I hadn't talked to David or Brenda in years though. I decided to continue on with my worst nightmare come to life.

"When I was fifteen I was walking home one day after a particularly bad day at school. People always were harsh but today was worse than ever before. I heard people walking and talking behind me, so I just took a glance to see who it was. The main jock, Cade, and a couple of his good for nothing friends were following me. One of them, Rowdie, saw it was me and started running after me. I ran as fast as I could, but he was faster. He tackled me and pinned me to the ground. Another reason they call me Skar is because he had a bottle of snapple that he broke on the ground right next to my head. He got the biggest, sharpest one of the bunch and cut me on my thighs from the knee to the hip. He did that on both sides. I just tried to stay still so the blood wouldn't leave me as quick. Then he.....did things to me.....and left me for dead in the alley he had drug me into. I passed out from blood loss. Two weeks later I finally woke up. They said that I had been in a coma for the past two weeks because I was too weak to wake up. They told me only one person had visited me, and he was only gone when visiting hours ended. My friend David actually. He was always my best guy friend, but I haven't talked to him since I was sixteen. I've tried, but he's mad about me leaving and won't even try to talk," I said. Monte looked full on pissed. I didn't get why. It's not like it was his fault for anything.

"Why wouldn't he want to talk to you? He must be stupid and insensitive," Monte said. He had a certain look. He seemed..... Offended? Maybe that was it.

"He's mad because I left without telling him. I told him goodbye that day at school, the day I left, but I said it a little different then normal. He could tell something was up, but he didn't question. He knew not to," I said. It was true. He always understood me when no one else did. He had always been there for me, since the day we met.

"Well he should've came after you or something.... Wait you said you hadn't talked to him since you were sixteen, after you left school. Did you run away?" he asked.

"Yeah, Kiya and I lived in Prineville for awhile, then flew to Baker to start over. That didn't work out too well and that's how we wound up here," I said, giving him the basics. He didn't need any more of an explanation. He stood up, looked down at me and scooped me up bridal style. We walked a way in silence, until he broke it.

"If you have any pajama shorts, can I see your scars, Skar?" he asked. I giggled. That sounded weird having those two together.

"Yeah I have some shorts, you can see them if we are ever together when I get ready for bed."

"Actually, umm, we don't have anywhere to stay, me and Max. Do you think that we could crash at yours tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah it's fine with me if it's fine for Kiya."

Monte's POV

I was livid. Why would anyone want to hurt Skar? Or Kiya? It just wasn't right. Those scumbags deserved to die. I liked her friend David for the most part though, other than he let go of something awesome. I didn't like Skar like that, or Kiya for that matter. They were both awesome and seemed like they would be great friends. Plus Max had this look in his eye, even through the pain. I'd only seen that look once before, and that girl had smothered his heart to pieces. And the others looked after her like their best friend had just did that. That's how I knew we were gonna be close to them. And Craig looked at Kiya with the same type of look as Max did with Skar. Max would be happy to know where we were staying tonight. Jacky had always kinda been the type since I met him that thought he could get any girl he wanted, and then leave them on the side of the road. So when I figured out what happened, it gave my disliking more fuel. But he didn't know.

We arrived at the studio and I set her down. I could feel Max glaring at me through the glass. He was probably pissed cause we had been gone for an hour and a half. But he should know I'd never do anything with someone like her so soon. He just overreacts.

Kiya's POV

I watched Monte out the window as he ran after Skar, wow they could both run. I felt Leila holding on to my legs and realized she'd seen the whole thing. I got down on my knees and hugged her tightly. She started crying into my neck and I picked her up. I walked over to a little bench thing and had her straddle me and cry in my neck. Craig sat next to me and tried to comfort her. I leaned down and told her it would all be alright, that Auntie Skar wouldn't do that again. She sniffled one last time and wiped her tears. She hugged me and crawled into her dads lap. He looked at me like I was a miracle worker. I looked up and saw Max, now on his knees, sitting on his heels. He looked at me with big green eyes, he seemed a little lost.

"Kiya, why did she do that? Not even crazy people do that from what I know. Is she a germophobe? Cause I mean seriously, who does that?" Max asked.

"She is FAR from a germophobe, but I couldn't tell you why. She'll tell you why one of these days, when she's ready. I can tell you right now that I can see you two together, and it's actually an interesting couple," I said, trying to freak him out or make him blush. It was truly funny watching his face changed from sad to happy to shocked back to happy then angry then shocked again then once again happy all in the matter of five seconds. Him and Jacky asked questions about Skar for about a half an hour, then I asked them all about Monte, then we started wondering what they were doing. Skarrlet Manson did NOT cry for that long. Skar hated her last name, but loved it at the same time. Loved it cause it was Marilyn Manson's last name, but everyone always asked if she was related to him. Max flipped a female dog when he heard her last name. He flipped even more when I told him her favorite bands. ETF, FIR, BVB, AA, BFS, A7X, Good Charlotte, Green Day, Linkin Park, Iron Maiden, Mötley Crüe, Metallica, Poison, Van Halen, and that wasn't even close to all of them. Skar is addicted to music. But I think its safe to say we all are.


So that's the new chappie! I'll be updating a little less frequently once school starts up again, but you can still expect at least an update a week. Please vote, fan, and comment, yada yada yada you know the drill. Thanks guys!!

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