Chapter 6--The Attack of the Century

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      Right after One Eye said that the amulet disappeared. He looked around scared, then he heard growls from all around him. He took off hoping that they were a part of the Spine pack. One Eye ran faster and faster. The faster he ran, the closer the other wolves got. It seemed like forever being chased to the den. He zig-zagged across the frozen forest floor like a sidewinder snake slithering across a desert. He reached his territory, but the Spine wolves wouldn't give up.

     "BOOM!" He slammed his dens door shut. The several wolves were growling and snarling at the door. One Eye's mother looked furious. She yelled at One Eye. She was annoyed by all the barking outside of their door. Then suddenly, the door slammed open. The wolves came storming in. One Eye yelled for his mother to hide. Fang rushed into the door right as the wolves tried to fight. Fang said, "Hey, come pick on someone your own size!" One of the wolves came in from behind and delivered a nasty bite on Fang. His amulet said,"You have to do something." Fang was on the ground suffering. The wolves were now looking at One Eye's mother. One Eye yelled, "C'mon man, you don't have to do this." One of the Spines yelled,"SHUT IT YOU DUMB PUP!" This really got One Eye fired up. He started to march stiffly to the wolves position. The eight wolves started to growl. Right as one Spine went for his mother, One Eye attacked. He yelled, "NOOOO!" One Eye bit one of the Spines neck, then another's tail. This scared the six standing wolves and left the two injured pouting in regret.

     One Eye asked his untouched mother," Are you okay?" His mother replied with," I'm fine, worry about him." One Eye looked at Fang and fell to his knees. He prayed. He repeatedly asked Fang, "Please be okay, Please be okay." One Eye started to cry as Fang stopped breathing.

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