We know we're classic together like egyptian gold.

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Luke felt shattered.

His heart was cut into three fine segments where each of the girls had cut deeply. He winced each time a pretty girl passed by, in fear that they would bring out a pink Chanel knife and carve out the rest of his heart. It had gotten to the point that he didn't even want to open his eyes anymore.

He had to stop being so pathetic. No wonder the boys doubted him when he was a big fat wimp. He rolled his shoulders back and held his head higher. He couldn't just quit, because this was a challenge. Like Mali said, it wasn't meant to be easy.

But nonetheless, his daily activities had drained him. He felt exhausted. A bed would be nice, or a couple hundred cups of coffee could boost his energy. He decided to go for the latter, simply because he was stood right outside a little cafe. It was quaint and homely like something out of the movies. Which was perfect for Luke, he felt most comforted when he was dreamily picturing his life like the pictures.

It was something he did a lot when he was younger, so much so he was in his head most of the time. It was his escape really. He'd place himself in the ship of the titanic, or on a magic flying carpet and then he'd make his own story from there. His own romances would flourish, his own twists and turns would challenge him and his endings would always be happier than the last. It was fun that way, because his life was always like a fairytale.

He pushed the door open, letting the smell of old, worn out books fill his nose. He never read books, but he was definitely fond of the smell of them. Once again they reminded him of an idealistic romance film.

He spotted a little sofa by the window that was fairly secluded and even with one look he'd already claimed it as his own. He swiftly sat down and heavily breathed out, looking out the window. The day was steadily getting darker and the clouds were coated in a thin summer coat. Luke had had enough of the blinding hot suns in his upside down, mad hatter type country. He'd stare longingly at the pictures of freshly fallen snow in his friends garden. It was snowing in Europe, he'd heard.

He imagined the snowmen dressed in scarves and top hats, and the picturesque couples play fighting in the snow, only to finish the day off inside by the fire with blankets and tea- if he was thinking specifically England.

Man he wanted a girlfriend.

He thought back to the monstrosity of a disaster his day was, full of rejection, embarrassment and ridiculous actions that could easily be described as comical. Not for Luke though.

He thought this would be much easier. Was he that undateable? He used to think he was fairly attractive, with a good personality but he was definitely second guessing all that now.

Maybe he'd never find a girlfriend and then never get married and end up horribly alone with only movies as his only companion at the age of 80. At least they'd never reject him.

"Hey bud, are you okay? You look pretty woeful"

Luke snapped his head up to find the source of who'd just spoken. He hadn't expected anyone to interrupt his sad-boy moping time, let alone this girl. This girl that was undeniably beautiful in a way he'd never seen before. Her hair was frizzy and full of volume like a lions mane, although it was pulled back into a loose bun, strands and wisps trying to escape. Her skin was a deep, smooth caramel colour but what Luke noticed first was her eyes. A striking emerald he'd never seen before. A colour so bold and shining he was instantly captivated. Until she blinked and furrowed her thick eyebrows.


"Are you okay? You look like you're in a sad music video" She joked. Her voice was surprisingly deep, but it relaxed Luke, it's was almost melodic.

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