We love us

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"Aye he's back!" Michael yelled lowly as soon as Luke walked through the door. He engulfed Luke in a macho bear hug, his foul smelling armpits suffocating his face.

"Ew get away" Luke whined, pushing away from Mike.

"So how'd it go?" Ashton appeared in the dining room doorway, a beer in his hand. He observed Luke, suspiciously looking him up and down for clues of how it went.

"Yeah did you find a girlfriend?" Calum said, emerging behind Ashton.

"Jesus Christ it's like you two don't even have your own house" Luke rolled his eyes, pushing past them and into the living room. It was dank and dark and the Xbox was blasting some loud, blaring music- a sign they'd been in all day.

"We do, But we're too skint to afford a TV" Mike said, laying limply across the sofa.

"Well this isn't a hostel, so you're gonna have to start paying soon"

"Piss off" Mike scowled.

"I'm serious! It's our beer, our pizza and our Xbox. Bring your own" Luke scolded and Michael threw a pillow at his head, unable to come up with a reasonable argument. Luke moved his head suddenly, only briefly missing the pillow.

"You might be good at dodging pillows but you're not dodging my question that easily" Ashton sat down beside him and nudged his arm. "How'd it go?"

"Uh" Luke scratched his head and looked down.

"'Uh' what? Speak up Lucas" Calum mocked in an annoying tone. He was trying to aggravate him and it was working. He hated when people called him Lucas.

"There was loads of girls, okay. They were practically swarming me as soon as I left the house"

All three of them started howling, bending over in laughter.

"God you are funny" Calum wiped a tear from his eye.

"Fuck you! I'm not lying" he lied. Michael stuck up his nose, sniffing the air.

"I can smell something... fire I think." The boys all sniffed around, trying to source the mystery smell "Luke, it's your pants! Your pants are on fire" he yelled and Luke scowled, leaning back.

"Ha ha" he clapped sarcastically "Fine, it was pretty horrendous. But there was one girl" he finally admitted.

"My sister?" Calum said through gritted teeth and Luke smiled sheepishly. Oops.

"Uh, no. She was a waitress in a cafe I went to" Luke avoided the obvious scold from Calum.

"And? What happened? Did you get her number? A date? A kiss?" Ashton persisted.

"Well we talked, and then I got her... name"

"Oh wow Luke that's real romantic" Mike rolled his eyes.

"What would you know about romance? You're email is literally cliffoconda69@gmail.com" He defended, kicking Michaels leg.

"The girls love it. They know I'm open for business" He grinned devilishly and Ashton groaned.

"Shut up Mike or I'm calling your mom" Ashton could be very snappy if he wanted to be. Although he was joking, Luke knew he wouldn't be afraid to actually call her.

Michael jumped up with wide eyes and started yelling profanities. He slapped Calum's chest and jumped on him.

"What the fuck dude!" Calum wrestled him off, unsure of what in the world was going on. His eyes were wide with concern and disgust.

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