Bee Boy

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Name: Sollux Captor

Race: Troll

Age: 8 Solar Sweeps

Blood: Mustard

Class: Lowblood

Quadrants: <3 Dave Strider

Dave Strider. Human cool kid, so how did a nerdy alien bee boy such as yourself manage to snag this apple juice snob?

Oh the internet. What a wonderful thing.

You had the honor of meeting Dave, oh, around a sweep ago, and honestly, you didn't exactly take a fancy to him. He was too cool for you, and you could tell by the way his text was wrapped with a sense of "Whatever", and he was just the kind of person you avoid.

Or at least, you thought.

After a few more lenghty conversations, you got familiar with the fact that Dave's cool doesn't go to the core. He is actually a really lovely dovey person, and charming in all the right ways. He always knows exactly what do to make you melt like butter on the bottem of a laptop.

As for yourself, you are one of the biggest nerds you've ever met. You can't help it that you were always good at coding and such. Speaking of coding, it is one of your favorite pastimes, seeing as you've always had a natural talent for it, as well as hacking. And boy do they come in handy! Note: As fun as it is, DO NOT blow up kk's computer.

Your speech. Oh, what a touchy subject. You've always managed to have a rather strong lisp, and you hate it. It makes you sound like a grub that never learned how to talk, when really, it's just that your double set of fangs are in the way of your snake like tong-wAIT DOUBLES?!

The number 2. Your undying obsession. You've always been attracted to said number, and you don't know why. It's just something that you take fancy to. A little obsessing never hurt anyone, right?

As for your home, it is now placed on earth, and you live in a apartment on the kabillionth floor. Usually, all the statues would be awful...if you don't have psionics. Lucky you.

Your best bro is Karkat Vantas, though you find that kk suits him better. You two have a twisted friendship, but you like it that way. He's pretty loud, short tempered, and best of all, he's AWFUL at coding. He's easy to tease too.

Now that you have a cool kid matesprit and a loud mouth best bro, the real question dawns upon you.

What do you do?

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