Rock and Rye

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"If you keep drinking like that you're gonna leave here strapped to a gurney." Hoseok warns you, snatching the bottle from your hand and taking a swig. You snatch it back, choosing to ignore his words of wisdom. He's right you probably should lay off the alcohol but for once you'd like to treat yourself.

"I'm fine bunny." you call him by the nickname you know is going to get him to let you do whatever you want. He sucks his teeth and again snatches the bottle back prompting you to whine loudly. In frustration your head rest on your arm. You don't want to play these games with Hoseok. You want to drink.

"Why can't you let me drown my problems for once in my life?" You know what he's going to say: That drowning your problems in alcohol doesn't make them any less of your problems, but with the way you're feeling right now if you could get any type of relief, it would be great. However, he doesn't give you any advice at all. He rolls his eyes and finishes the bottle for you, restricting you from having anymore.

You roll your eyes: "There was only about a few swallows left in there anyways asshole." He chuckles and signals another bottle to your table, a smaller one. That'll be the last one for the night, he'll make sure of it.

"This one's on me kit." He calls you by your nickname that he uses when you're upset with him. It's a reference to your favorite movie to watch together.

"Why are you so upset anyways? You begged me to go drinking with you because you were so depressed, yet you haven't told me exactly what's been bothering you." Hoseok pokes at your cheek.

"Nothing, I can't drink with my best friend every once in a while?" it's a lie and he knows it. He always knows when something is up with you but waits for you to tell him exactly what it is.

"It's not nothing. You rarely text or call me anymore but now all of a sudden you NEED to see me? So, you better spill before I go home and leave you here with the bill." you bite your lip thinking of words to say but instead opt to reassure him that nothing's wrong; you just wanted to have a drink with an old friend. But when he sighs and starts to get up, you quickly change the narrative.

"Okay fine. I'll tell you, but you better not laugh." your lip slips between your teeth again and you take another swig of from the Soju bottle on the table before telling him what's on your mind: "Remember I told you about Choe Jin Kyung, we got hired around the same time, had about the same credentials. Well I hate her, I can't wait until she gets fired." You poke your lip out pitifully.

"Wow, I've never seen you so spiteful. What happened?" Hoseok perks his head up, interested in why his best friend is so unusually hateful towards someone. You're not exactly shy but you're not exactly the most outspoken person either. Somewhere in the middle of leave me alone and those annoying girls who can't ever utter a coherent sentence, there's you.

"I don't know to be honest. When we first started working together I really admired her but now she just makes me feel like shit. Not only is she arrogant but she's also perfect. Doing everything right and never messing up. Meanwhile I'm struggling just to captivate my boss in meetings. Everyone looks up to her and treats her like the goddess of clothing design. Every time I come into work, I'm talked over or ignored in favor of her because not only is she more talented but she's prettier too. I just want someone to notice me and only me..." You vent to your best friend. His heart twangs a little bit, saddened that you feel so out of place at work.

"Don't you think you're being a little too pessimistic about it though? Why sulk when you can push yourself harder, use her for your inspiration." your best friend tells you but instead of helping, it just makes you angrier. To you it feels as if he's defending/protecting her when you're the one he was supposed to sympathize with.

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you, you don't understand. You just sound like everyone else." the anger that you've been holding in all day bubbles up in your throat. Your eyes sting with the frustration of once again being ignored and not heard.

"You've never been bad at anything, never been the ugly friend, or the odd man out. No one's ever ignored you or treated you like you were less than." You shout at him. He tried to interrupt but your quick to cut him off.

"I have to walk through that door every day and prepare myself to be the butt of jokes or to try and talk at a design meeting just for a coworker to cut me off and let Jin Kyung speak? And for what Hoseok? I don't understand why, I work my ass off on every account we get yet somehow compared to her I'm just not enough." you try to keep the tears at bay, but they still pool in the corner of your eyes. Your self-doubt is something you hoped Hoseok wouldn't have to see.

"Don't take it like that... I didn't mean it like that...I jus—" Hoseok tries to fix his mistake but it's too late, you're already angry at him and once you're there, it'll be awhile before you come back down. He already knows this.

"Fuck it, It's whatever. I'm gonna go dance." getting up out your seat, you push past him and toward the dance floor. He tries to grab your jacket sleeve but then reclines once seeing your angry face.

As you head to the dance floor to cool your head the words of the conversation replay in your head. You hadn't meant to snap on Hoseok, but you wanted him to side with you as a best friend should, instead he just gave you advice you didn't want.

"Hey." You hear an annoyed voice say as your head collides with someone's stomach. Jumping back, you look up to an aggravated brunette man, "Next time pay look where you're walking."

"S-sorry. I was just trying to get to the dance floor. I wasn't paying much attention..." You apologize quickly, hoping he won't berate you or hit you. His aura is intimidating but he has an air of confidence around him that makes you feel odd mixture of fear and attraction.

"Guess you can dance with me as a better apology then." He smirks making you feel relieved. You follow him to the dance floor and quickly find yourself grinding, whining, and gyrating against him to the sexy song that plays.

"S-So what brings you here? You don't look like a type that frequents clubs..." You stutter again trying to make small talk as he pulls you taunt against him, grinding back, breath heavy against your neck. He's turning you on, but you fight the feeling because he's just some random stranger in the club.

"Needed some stress relief from work." His fingers hold tightly to your hips as he dips with you. He spins you around to face him and you can't help but to stare at his face. He's so beautiful, "Take a photo it would last much longer pretty girl." The nickname he gives you makes you swell with pride. To you it means he acknowledges your beauty, a feeling you haven't felt since you started working.

"Shut it." you fire back, he smirks, and you feel your face getting hot, "Anyways, I guess we're here for the same reason. What's got you so stressed at work?" the song is ending but you don't want to stop dancing with him. His presence is so appreciated that you can't have him leave just yet. So, you'll keep the convo going Until you're satisfied enough to go home and maybe apologize to Hoseok.

"Long story short, my coworkers act like I'm less than them just because I'm younger. I worked my ass off to be where I am, yet they act like my age determines my skill and worth." He vents, and, in this moment, you've never felt more connected with a stranger in your life. You want him to stay with you even more now, finding more value in him then your best friend waiting for you at the bar.

"Y'know I understand perfectly, this is almost exactly what's happening to me at work right now." The guy pulls you against him again, having separated himself from you due to the change of songs. His arms wrap around your waist making you realize just how much you're sexually attracted to him.

"I can't see why they would disrespect such a sexy and fearful man." You whisper. His breath is hot on your neck and you press against him tightly feeling the budge in his pants.

"I can't either pretty girl." He kisses your neck softly at first before tilting your chin up for a kiss. You can't help the moan that escapes from your lips and embarrassingly you pull away. He kisses you again, this time sliding his tongue into your mouth. His lips are soft but he's a rough kisser, dominant and demanding to be in charge. You want him.

"Not here..." You whine while trying to put some distance in between you two. He flashes you a silver toothed smile, one you should be afraid of but for some reason you're not:

"Then let's go."

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