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To Kihyun you're everywhere. He still feels your lips against his skin while he's driving. Your body grinding against his in the club when he unlocks the door to his home. Hears your soft moans as he showers. Sees you face scrunched in pleasure while he's changing into his police uniform. He laughs it off though attributing the sensto the lack of much needed sex. There's no way one night of passion could lead to him having feelings for you, the most it could possibly be is lust. After all you were just some easy girl he picked up in the club and sprawled across a love hotel's bed. He'd like to think he was better than that.

It was implied you two would continue to see each other after this morning's conversation but of course under the guise of fuck buddies. To him it was perfect, he could play any role you need as long as you needed him too, be what you needed him too when you wanted him too. He liked your body.

He could be the gentlemen you saw this morning easily. He'd cook you dinner and drive you home after fucking you into his bedroom sheets and maybe engage in some small talk or venting. After that though you shouldn't expect much: No dates,casual texting, and feelings. The two of you would only talk when the end result would lead to sex.

The arrangement would be perfect: getting his dick wet anytime in exchange for the faux affection and kindness he noticed you fed off of. He could give you what wanted inside the bedroom: A romantic time, because it was a much better deal than his prior relationships. It wouldn't end in heartbreak, in his heartbreak. It was always him that was left emptied out after a relationship. They always failed.

Maybe it was him, he was the reason they failed. After all Kihyun was known by co workers and exes alike to have a mean steak, getting flustered easily, nagging when something isn't to his standards. His temperment caused a lot or arguments but its something he had tried his hardest to control in relationships. He molded himself into the perfect gentleman but it wasn't good enough.

What didn't come out when he was with his girlfriend came out in his work. He was harsh with his team, always on edge. Spewing harsh critiques of their work made them more effective at work but gave him a reputation for having a quick temper and that quick temper gave his higher up more and more reason to push for him to be demoted. They told him someone so young and quick to anger doesn't deserve the promotion that us more experienced and level headed people have worked their whole lives for. They were just jealous that he was a gifted inspector.

But his boss gave him an ultimatum anyways: solve this next case or be demoted.

That's why he went out yesterday night: hoping to get drunk of a few bottles of soju and forget the problems the came with working. However not even a minute after entering the club,you smacked into him. He felt his temper flailing up but when he looked down and saw your steaming face, the agitation dissipated instantly. He quickly made up for any discomfort he may have caused by offering you a dance in a playful manner, you could have said no but to his surprise you didn't. He didn't offer the dance with intent of taking you him but the more your body rubbed against him the quicker he felt his self control slipping.

When he called you pretty girl it had been a slip of the tongue but when your eyes lit up he could tell that it made you feel something. He validated you and you wanted him. He needed that, to feel wanted in a place where he doesn't belong. To feel normal in a place where day in and day out he's investigating murders and kidnappings. So maybe his need made him easy in the same you were or maybe you've both been so desperate for validation that you gave way the first time you felt it.

Kihyun isn't 100% sure but he is sure of the face that feeling a warm body next to him makes him feel validated. It makes him feel wanted. It makes him feel normal. So when Kihyun walks through the doors of the police station for the first time he isn't fustrated or on edge, he's just normal because you've given him a sensation that he hasn't felt in years. And he's not ready to wait to find that sensation in another person nor does he have the time to search for it again, so this arrangement HAS to continue.

Kihyun sits at his desk opening the files from the most recent investigation, studying them to find some sort of way to complete his ultimatum: Finding a serial kidnapper with who leaves no evidence behind. All over Seoul it seemed as though women were going missing left and right and no police station could make lee way. The most they could agree on out was that a string of curly haired foreigners going missing.

Kihyun couldn't figure out a motive or a pattern. He couldn't pinpoint a next location like he usually could. This criminal was just too random : One kidnapping in Sindang and then one 15 minutes outside of the city. There was no pattern he could find.

"Good morning~" It was his team: Lim "Im" Changkyun, Lee Jooheon, and Chae Hyungwon. They had come bearing gifts of his favorite lunch to share. Hoping he wasn't too upset with their lack of results as well. Kihyun sighed, motioning for them to have a seat around his desk so they could stragaize. They raised their eyebrows at how calm his aura felt today.

"Anything new?" He asks, looking for a fork among the food they brought. He silently thanked whomever as he hadn't had a meal since last night and his stomach was rumbling. They gave him a minute to eat, hoping the food would soften any harsh criticism he might deliver today.

"We've checked the police records nearby stations and it seems the crimes may have a pattern. However It's something we easily overlooked due to how random the first crime was and how the second crime was just barely out of our jurisdiction." I.M spoke, pulling out a map with circled locations.

Hyungwon spoke next "The first two kidnappings were seemed random. We initially suspected that when he first started out that it may have been an unintentional. Like a girlfriend was blackmailing him or some sort of extortion going on. After that he probably picked up some sort of thrill from it. However with this most recent development we think the kidnapper may be looking for something..."

Jooheon is the last to speak. Kihyun listens intently, desperate to find some sort of new information: "But when we requested the records from stations as far as an hour from ours and it turns there's been at least on recorded kidnapping in each of those districts. However Samseong seems to be the only station within this radius to not report any kidnappings. ." Kihyun looks down at the map I.M placed on his desk and notices they're right. The pride that swells up in his chest is enough to almost have him pulling his boys in for a hug. He settles for a "good job" instead though. They're surprised yet again by his niceness but accept it anyway, thinking it's better to enjoy it while it last rather it call it and deal with the repercussions.

"So you guys think there might be a connection between Samseong and the kidnapper then?" Kihyun ask them. They nod, brainstorming why the kidnapper avoided Samseong and went after victims with curly hair, but but nothing particular comes to mind. It leaves Kihyun frustrated toward the end of the day, getting new information but not being able to pinpoint a motive.

When work gets out Kihyun is feeling just as on edge as usual. Every day he grows closer to failing and losing a position he's worked so hard for. That's when his phone buzzes and there's a photo of you standing outside a Department store looking adorable. Shortly afterwards there's a text message saying that it was an accident and that you meant to send it to your friend.

It's almost as though the stress flies off his body as he remembers that he'll get to fuck you again. He quickly answers your 'mistaken' text message.

[Sent: Sureeee it was an accident baby girl. You probably just missed me.]

[Received: It really was an accident. I'm trying to prove to my friend that I'm safely at work, He's thinks on another sexcapde with my mysery man. Trust me, I'm not sprung.]

When you call him your mystery man the smile that spreads across his face can't be contained. He can't explain it, but he wants to see you again. Right now.

[Sent: Can I pick you up? Where are you?]

[Received: Yeah you can. I'm too tired to catch the bus anyways. I'm at the Coex department store near the Seoul forest district. ]

[Received: See you soon mystery man]

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