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It isn't until Kihyun is already heading to pick you up that he realizes that something is off: Your curly hair and the district you work in. It's Samseong, the area that the crimes aren't being committed in. But because you fit the criteria so well, he thinks you could be the next victim and then their thesis would be wrong. Then he'd have to start from square one all over again.

But Kihyun is weak and distracted, forgetting all worries when he pulls up to see you standing on the corner, waiting and checking cars for him. His heart jumps. You look small and innocent, curly hair pulled into twin ponytails, lip between your teeth. Once again, he attributes the feeling to his lack of sex and now growing concern for your safety. He isn't the type of pitiful man to catch feelings after a few rounds of sex with a club pick up, he refuses to be. At least he thinks that, desperately forces himself to believe he's better than that. When you enter the car bright and smiley, he can't deny he feels something more than lust...possibly budding attraction. It's not impossible given how pretty you are but his dignity stops him from realizing how he truly feels.

"Are you going to say anything?" You ask, breaking his train of thought. He looks at you, flashing a smile, one he knows you'll be weak for.

"Hey pretty girl." It falls from his mouth ungracefully, but he hopes it's something you don't notice. If you do, you don't bring it up on the drive back to his apartment or on the way into his home.

"H-How was work?" He asks nervously while taking off his shoes to leave at the front door. You do the same and Kihyun offers you the only pair of house slippers there are, opting instead to walk around in his socks, "Sorry I don't usually have company." The statement catches you off guard but you ignore it in favor of the question he asked previously.

"It was the same as usual. Jin Kyung is everything and yet again: I'm nothing." you sigh, walking towards a couch in his living room. Kihyun exaggerates a huff of frustration, stopping you in your tracks.

"You're not nothing to me." his arms wrap around your waist drawing you into him so he can press a kiss to your forehead. This feels way too familiar for him. It feels way too domestic, too loving for something that's just supposed to be for sex but the sadness in your statement makes him want to comfort you.

"I'm only nothing in the workplace Kihyun. A place where it matters most though." He wants to hold you in his grip a little longer, but something prompts him to let you go. When he does you collapse on the nearby couch. It's softer than you expected and you're very appreciative of that and quickly make a blanket out of the pillows. Seeing you act so childish makes his heart skip a beat. Maybe it wouldn't be too crazy after all if he requested an actual date from you. It's a thought he quickly shoots down though because he's one hundred percent sure he's the only one starting to feel this way.

"Anyways how was your day?" He hears you say as he heads toward the kitchen getting ready to prepare the dinner he promised. He thinks pork belly and rice would be okay for a first date.... or whatever this was that you were doing. Dinner and sex? Hanging out?

"I'm in the same boat as you pretty girl. Work is shit." He tells you while preparing the food. It's quiet for a while and Kihyun thinks you're asleep, that is until he comes into the living room to wake you up for dinner. You're nose deep into your phone, squinting at something, lip poked out, eyes wide. He has to hide the blush on his face.

"Why are you quiet? I thought you were sleeping?" Kihyun ask poking your cheek with the oven mitt. You look up from your phone to acknowledge him properly.

"I wasn't sleep. Was just browsing on my phone. I didn't want to bother you too much because you were working really hard." You tell him, sitting up a little bit, "Did it bother you that I was silent? Should I talk to keep you entertained? Do you like the sound of my voice Kihyunnie?" You tease.

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