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Trigger warning: Kidnapping and some spice. I want to remind you guys this is 100 % fiction and at times maybe it might get a little intense, so read at your own risk. 

In the middle of the night you find yourself on someone else's mattress, wrapped in someone else's comforter, laying on someone else's pillow. It's Kihyun's. You're still here even though he promised to take you home after that last movie. Aggravated, you try to remember what exactly happened between now and then, if you had a few bottles of soju or if he convinced you to stay.

You remember cleaning the kitchen before cuddling up to watch a movie. Kihyun watched the movie intently but his focused and entertained face prompted you to be as annoying as possible. However, in all the hell you brought him, he never opened his mouth in retaliation, it was pissing you off. Instead he wordlessly wrestled your hands away from him or held you tightly against him to restrict your movements. He was a buzzkill indeed, but you weren't going to give up. You were determined to get a reaction out of him.

It was starting to work; you could feel the irritation begin to roll off his body. Still though he never told you to stop, occasionally he teased you back by biting your ear or kissing the corners of your mouth. A tie between tiredness and boredom put an end to your annoying antics after the first movie and Kihyun was more than glad to have you curling up to his lap like a Cheshire cat.

"Now that you're done flirting with me, can we watch the movie?" Flirting, he called your pestering flirting, which flustered you beyond words.

"Why're you so immune to this!!" you pout at him, slapping his thigh.

"I have an older brother." He tells you blankly, "You can never annoy me more than him so give it a rest." After that you didn't bother him for the rest of the night and as a reward, he blessed you with soft caresses of your forearms and thighs. The feeling had you dozing off more times than you can count. He'd promised to take you home after this movie but quickly told him no.

You are. An idiot.

All you had to do was ask and he'd let you stay, with no complaints or rejection. He let you stay and that scares you more than you care to admit. Getting attached to Kihyun with a relationship like this is not good, it's only going to lead to heartbreak. He wouldn't feel the same. He was just leading you on but if that was the case, shouldn't you put a stop to it rather than play his silly games?

Sucking your lower lip between your teeth, you look for your phone so you can check the time. Although you attempt to move quietly, Kihyun starts to stir from his sleep. In the time that you've been awake, you've noticed he snores lightly and that his face gets red and a little swollen. Yet still he's so pretty you find your breath caught in your chest.

When you find your phone it's on the dresser next to you, on the charger, something kihyun probably did out of kindness. Quickly, you make a move to find your clothing and get out of the shirt you must have stolen. without disturbing his sleep more than you already have. It would be easier to slip out unannounced that way you wouldn't have to deal confronting him or your feelings:

The realization that you're attracted to your one-night stand more than you're willing to admit. This isn't the first time the two of you have been unwilling to bid each other goodbye. You already know: You've been attracted to him since the moment he danced with you in the club and that says more about you than you care to admit: You're desperate and clingy, you get attached way too fast.

"Why are you moving so much? Unless you have to piss, go back to sleep." His voice is hoarse from sleep. You can't think of a response, so you just stare blankly at him. You speak but when you start tripping over words Kihyun realizes what's happening. Hell, you weren't being as sneaky as you thought with your goddamn pants in one hand, cell in the other. A trip to the han river would be nice right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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