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*This is the first Chapter! I hope you guys like it! By the way, this is the first time I have written in third person, but I thought I should try something new. If this story is confusing to anyone just comment or message me and I will explain (: *

It feels like there is a heavy weight pressing against his chest as he takes in short, quick gasps of air. “Cas, Hunny, I’m here. It’s okay baby breath,” his mom, Hester, rocks him back and forth as he cries into her soft beige sweater. His hands are shaking from where they’re gripping tightly in his hair as she tries to loosen his hold by stroking the pad of her thumb over his knuckles; whispering to him quietly. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block out everything except his Mom’s warm embrace and her calming voice in his ear.

“I CAN’T DO IT ANYMORE!” he screams. The lamp next to the bed explodes and she pulls him tighter to her chest.

“I know it’s hard baby but you have to control it. It’s a part of you; you have to embrace it. Don’t fight it sweetheart, I’m here to protect you,” she mumbles against his forehead.

She reaches over to the bedside table, where the bowl full of cold water and a rag rests. She dips the cloth into the water before dabbing it to his forehead and kissing his hair. His gasping breaths turn into slightly deeper ones as he continues to cry. “That’s it Hunny, just breath,” she shushes as she continues to wipe the tears off his face with the wet towel. 

“I’m-I’m sor-sorry,” he stutters between tears.

“Shhhh, don’t try to talk. Just focus on breathing,” she hushes him in a quiet voice, “You have no reason to apologize. You can’t control it.” Cas’ breathing slows down and the tears eventually stop flooding down his red cheeks. Hester doesn’t let go of him, continuing to rock him back and forth slowly until she knows for certain that the attack is over. It was the second anxiety attack that Cas has had this week and it is only Wednesday.

“Well that was entertaining,” a smug voice comes from across the room.

“Shut up,” Cas growls as he glares at the chair in the corner of the room.

“Who is it sweetheart,” his Mom asks as she glances over at the empty chair.

“Yeah, who is it sweetheart?” Lucifer says in a teasing tone.

“Lucifer,” Cas says in a quiet voice.

“That’s Mr. Lucifer to you sir,” he says as he gets up from the chair to look out the window.

“What does he want?” Hester asks in a concerned voice as she wraps her arms tighter around her son.

“Probably here just to annoy me. The usual,” Cas snaps as he glares at the man looking out the window.

“What!” Lucifer spins around with an expression of mock hurt on his face, “Cassie! I thought we were friends! No… more like brothers.”
“We are not brothers,” Cas mumbles as he leans tiredly into his mother.

“But we’re friends?” Lucifer smiles.

“No,” Cas answers angrily, “Now go away so I can sleep.”

“Fine but only because we’re besties,” Lucifer smirks, “I’ll come back in 3 hours. That will give you enough time to sleep so you won’t go dying on me.” Before Cas can yell at him he disappears and the room falls silent. The loss of extra energy relaxes Cas’ shoulders and his eyes start to droop.

“Do you want me to stay in here with you tonight Hunny,” Hester asks her tired son.

“No Mom, it’s okay. Go get some sleep. I’ll be fine. I have Lucifer watching over me,” Cas says the last part sarcastically.

“I love you. You are a very special boy and I know it can be stressful hiding you magic and seeing the dead but you will accomplish great things in this world and help many people trust me,” she says with a smile before kissing his hair and standing up.

“One can only hope,” he mumbles, already half asleep.


“YOU HAVE ANGER ISSUES JOHN!” Mary screams at Dean’s Dad as Dean holds his 16 year old brother in his arms.

“ANGER ISSUES!? YOU MAKE IT SOUND LIKE I ABUSE YOU!” John screams back. By now Sam is shaking and covering his ears. Sam doesn’t like loud noises but that’s what this house is full of 24/7.


“Shhhh Sammy, it’s okay. Let’s go upstairs, come on. Can you walk,” Dean asks his younger brother. Sam nods so Dean lets go of him and stands up.

“I DO EVERYTHING FOR THIS FAMILY! YOU WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!” John hollers before throwing his cup against the wall, causing it to shatter all over the room. Sam falls to the ground and covers his ears before screaming loudly.


“WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT UP?” Dean yells before grabbing his brother’s arm and pulling him up, “Come on Sammy.” Sam walks with Dean upstairs and into their room.

“YOU JUST LET OUR KIDS TALK TO US LIKE THAT?!” John’s muffled yells still make their way through the door. Sam walks over to his bed and lays down before pulling the covers over his head. Dean sighs and takes off his shirt and pants before getting into his own bed.



“UGHHHHH!!!” Mary growls before a door slams. Dean pulls the covers over his head as tears start to roll down his face. His parents weren’t always like this, they were the perfect couple. 19 years together and now they just want to throw it all away. They have been talking about divorce for the past three months. Dean doesn’t want them to split up because he knows it will kill his Dad no matter how much he acts like he hates his Mom. She is John’s whole life and without her he is sure to go downhill. But, Dean also wishes that if they are going to yell every single night they would just split up already because it’s really taking a toll on Sam.

John has always had anger issues. That’s why Sam hates loud noises and starts freaking out whenever his parents fight. John has never hit them but, boy can he yell. Mary use to be the nicest Mom in the world. She use to cut the crust off of Dean’s sandwiches, even when he was old enough to do it himself. She would sing and dance whenever she cleaned the house and bake tons of cookies and pies but that hasn’t happened in over half a year. She says that John is the reason she is so unhappy because he is always so negative and it’s rubbing off on her. Dean thinks it’s all ridiculous and just wishes they would stop yelling every day. He cries himself to sleep praying that he might get a break from all this drama when he starts school tomorrow.

*Hope you guys liked it! Please give feedback!*

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