3- Pizza boy

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*Pizza boys POV *

"Almost there, just a few more blocks. I still can't believe my bike broke. It would be my luck." I say to myself "HA here it is," I walk up to the door and knock. No answer. I knock a little harder still no answer but the door opens. Something seems off, someone may be in trouble. So I decide to push the door open more and stick my head in. I set the pizza down on the porch. I then step inside "Hello," I say "anyone home or hurt I can call for help if needed." No answer but I'd do hear a growl and get a chill down my back. I turn around to see a big wolf staring me down. It raises its head like it's about to howl and it does. I'm frozen with fear.

The wolf lowers its head, growls, and lunges at me. It gets a few good bites of my arm but I'm able to keep it from my face., I Hear a door get kicked open and then gunfire. The wolf falls on top of me, a few seconds later a man comes into view "Looks like I'll have two members now" he says, "and as I thought that was a werewolf that attacked her." I raise up "attacked who and who are you?" "my friend Kenna and I am Dene a vampire." He continues to talk but I'm too out of it to hear, My vision blurs and starts to go black. Soon im out just like the wolf.

I wake up in a soft bed. I open my eyes to see a beautiful girl looking at me. I do jump throw cause I wasn't expecting it. "I'm very truly sorry, "she says. "It's ok," I say "I just wasn't expecting anyone here". "Oh no no no, "she says "Im sorry for attaching you last night I wasn't in control of my actions. I was attacked one mot ago by a werewolf and didn't know it, would be dead if it weren't for Dene and so would you. He's a vampire ya know and so now are you, well kinda a werepire to be exactly like me." "Wow, "I say "so vampires and werewolves are real." ''Yes,'' cool so um... Uh.... what now."

"Well, you'll have to stay here for a little bit till we properly train you with your new abilities also you're a coven member now so you can't leave the city or state without telling us or there will be trouble, territories that jazz."

A door opens." AH, he's awake " "yes he is, I also told him most of what he needs to know."

"Good good, Kenna you can go now if you want, the werewolf's pack leader should be here soon to help us sort out this little mess."

"Ok, I'll see you later. " She gets up and leaves. Dene sits down where Kenna was. "So I understand your names Ollie right.," " Yes. " "ok, I brought you some new closes, sorry there dark, It's all we have as you can see we're not like most people the people that call us freaks or losers," " Hay I say it's ok, I'm like you, look". I take off my work shirt to reveal a Black Veil Brides tank top. "And look at my hair," I take off my work hat that surprisingly stayed on my head to reveal black and light blue emo hair. "Ok, he says cool, now we won't have to put too much variety in our close shopping." We laugh. He points to a door "showers there. Meet me downstairs when you are done." " Ok," I say, then he leaves. I shower pretty fast then go downstairs in a pair of black and grey skinny jeans and a Falling In Reverse shirt. Kenna squees when she sees me and says "Yes he's like us what luck, what luck" then runs and hugs me. She's so beautiful and sweet. What why am I thinking this I just met her and she hurt me.

*Kenna's POV*

Ollie comes downstairs and I can tell he's just like us so I can't help but let out a squee and say yes he's like us what luck, what luck then hug him. He's so HOT. wait what did I just think, nevermind. I let him go "sorry, "I say "I just never had a bunch of emo friends or goth or alt it was mostly me and like two of my best friends and two other friends." " Oh," he says "I know exactly how you feel I only have, well had close emo friends were on ruff terms right now but the five of us all together. " "oh," I say "I hope you work it out and maybe your friends and mine could merge and make our friend group bigger. " "Yeah," he says "that sound like a good Idea".

we move to this gorgeous Victorian couch. we talk for some time. Till the doorbell rings, Dene gets up and get it. He comes back with a tall, tan man with big beautiful dark blue eyes and long black hair and tattoos covering both arms, they're not a bunch of different ones, that overlap like most people have it one big beautiful picture that's of wolves both spiritual and alive.

Dene snaps me out of my trance when he says" Ollie and Kenna this is my close friends and chief Jake cross. Jake this is Kenna the first one attracted and Ollie the one she attached. " "It's nice to meet you," he says, "I could sense we got two new pack members in the area, I could just never locate you, know I see why." " It's nice to meet you too," we say together. Then look at each other like we're stupid, "AH he says I see the bonding process has started." " Bonding process what bonding process, "Ollie says. Jake smiles "when one wolf turns a person they are forever linked they can tell where one another is if they are hurt and when they are awake or asleep." " Cool," I say "but what about the one who attacked me shouldn't we be linked." " Well," he says "some wolves if they are powerful enuff can turn it off or shut it out."

He turns to Dene "they'll have to come with me and stay a mouth we must observe them when the full moon comes, well know if they change norman or if its different cause of the vampire part." Dene turns to us "you'll both need to go pack your stuff enuff for a mouth and let everyone you know you'll be gone." " Ok, that's easy for me," we say simultaneously, then look at each other like  :l really now really. "So," I say "whose house are we going to first. Dene looks at me "well yours is closer I believe and we know where it is". "Ok, let's go, "I say.

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