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Today is gonna be a good night! You wanna know why?my best friend Peach will be spending the night! We have been friends since Second grade! That's a really long time seeing how I'm starting Freshman year soon. Man, freshman year. It took forever to get here but here I am!

[doorbell rings]

I gasp. That must be Peach!

I run over to the door in excitement but not before tripping over something. I'm too clumsy for my own good, everyone says that.

(Peach's POV)

What's taking him so long? Usually when I come over he's there in a snap. I go to pull out my phone but as soon as I do that the door unlocks. "Peach!" RTK screams with excitement. He hugs me so of course I hug back. "It's been so long since I saw you TK!" I say with excitement, we are the bestest friends that you can ever meet. We even made matching necklaces in third grade. They are really shitty but we still wear them all the time. "So what have you been up to?" RTK asks me. "not a lot." I reply. "Oh," RTK says back to me then he starts gesturing for me to come inside, I then realize we have been talking for so long without even walking into his apartment.

(Narrator's POV)

The two walk into RTK's small, but decent apartment. Then a cat jumps off from a shelf then rubs onto Peach's legs. "I thought your landlord said no pets?" Peach asks "she did." RTK says with a dead voice then started laughing "No. She said no dogs. but cats are fine." "Oh." Peach replied. Then the two sit down on the couch, and talk for hours it's now 12 pm so RTK turns on the tv knowing his favorite show will be on now. The tv started to play and South Park was on. Then suddenly the news comes on. "Popular LGBTQ+ spokesperson Waterbottle has mysteriously died recently." RTK looks very distressed.

Oh god.... this... this can't be real... I start crying. This is awful. WaterBottle is the reason I came out and discovered who I am, so you can't blame me for my reaction. Peach looks disgruntled. "Why are you acting like this? It's not like you knew them." Peach blurted out. Are you kidding me? Did she just say that? This doesn't sound like her at all!
"Peach this person really helped me. I may not have know them personally but they helped a lot." I said with concern in my voice. "Ok, change the channel." She said with force in her voice. I'm honestly pissed now. I run outside to an alleyway to calm down, BUT THEN SHE FOLLOWS ME! I'm super mad night now, we start yelling at each other and then suddenly, I push her down. "Hey no arms! can't stand up easily now, can you?" I say with anger in my voice. She starts to cry. I don't know what to do. I help her up then she rams her head into me. "YOU IDIOT!" she shouts "THIS IS WHY I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" she then realizes what she said.

(Peach's POV)
I messed up big time. TK is burning when he gets really mad. he turns 1,000 degrees, I feel awful. He then pulls out his lighter. so I say "Woah woah woah, I'm sorry! I didn't even think twice of this topic I-" "You don't think at all." he says without allowing me to finish.

I stabbed her so she starts coughing up blood, I don't know what to do now so I set her on fire, I then realize what I've done. "No, NO! WHAT! WHY DID I?!" I shout in fear "I'm so sorry.." peach says with tears in her eyes, she then dies right in front of me.
(Hours before)

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