The Visit

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(Lightbulb's POV)

It's been an hour since TestTube and Fan left... so you think they aren't going to call? Lightbulb it's only been an hour you are always worried about nothing! Just then I hear a familiar tone... is that... It's Really Cool Wig! I love this song!!! It's even my ringtone!! Wait... THAT IS MY RINGTONE!!! MY PHONES RINGING!! I run over to the phone.

"Hello! This is Lightbulb how may I help you?" I ask. "Hey Lightbulb! It's me, Fan!" Are you free to come over?" Fan asks me. "Of course!" I answer with excitement. "Ok, so I'll text you my address. Bye!" He then hangs up. I clock out early then run to my motorcycle. I start driving to the address. It's not that far so I got there pretty soon.

(Fan's POV)

Me and TestTube are watching stupid videos on the internet when we hear a knock at the door. TestTube and I bolt towards the door and there she is! It's Lightbulb! She's wearing a sweater with the trans flag on it, it looks like she made it herself!

I escort her to the middle of the living room where TestTube and I layed out some pillows, the tv was on with super smash bros on. I gesture for her to sit down. And so she does. As soon as she's comfortable I say "Hey LB I like your sweater!" "Why thank you Fan!" She says in a fake British accent. We start laughing! Lightbulb is really funny. She loves cracking jokes. We were laughing for so long, I kinda lost track of time. So I look at the clock.

[1:34 am]

TestTube realises I was looking at the clock. So she looked over as well. "Jeepers! Is it really that late?!" She says shocked. "We should all get some shut eye." Lightbulb says. I nod my head in agreement and one by one we all fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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