Funny encounter

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Peters POV

It was an ordinary evening. The sky was transforming from the rosy and golden hue it contained to a more starry galaxy look. I gazed upon the sky pleasantly enjoying the view from up top of the buildings. It was another night patrolling. I smiled as I enjoyed the view. Ahhh, what an amazing day. I mentally smiled to myself. There's barely been any crime lately, which gave me time to just sit back and relax. There was barely any honking and yelling and crying and screaming. It truly was a perfect day. But not even days can be 100% perfect. Smash! I jolted up and shot a web to the nearest tower and began swinging to the crash and screams that echoed, disturbing my peaceful moment. Well so much for peace and quiet. I opened the window and came across a man in a business suit sitting in a corner in fear, shaking, and whimpering. He tried clawing at the wall as if it were an escape route. Across from him was a man. Someone I had never seen before.he wore all red, many weapons and what I could guess were grenades strapped to his body. The red suit tightly latched onto his big, buff body. He had a gun pointed at the man. He looks familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. I had my mouth open agape but you wouldn't be able to tell from my mask. " Jeremy, you know why I'm here, so I'm going to make this quick an unalive you this instant. I would make it slow, painful death, but I have to pick up my chimichangas in about five minutes so aren't you lucky?" The man in the red suit said as he took the gun off of safety mode. Crap he's gonna kill him! Gotta act fast. As soon as he was about to pull the trigger I shot my web at the gun and the man shot towards the ceiling. I guess the business man was bad so I webbed him to the wall and then blocked the punch the red suit man threw at me. " my you have quite the reflexes" the red suit man said. I jumped up and my spidey senses let me block out the swing from his Katana. I decided to web him to the wall as well so I did just that. Unfortunately I had forgotten about his arm somehow so he got the chance to shoot the man and I panicked. When I shot my webs it hit the gun casing the bullet to shoot at the wall and the gun hitting the man on the head knocking him out. Crap! " seriously man! I need my money, but you just had to come in and ruin it for me. Asshole" the red man said. " I can't let you kill innocent people" I yelled back. " okay one. Don't yell at me, that's rude. And two, that man is anything but innocent" I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor. " gonna let me go or what?" Oh right almost forgot. " no" I said. " what! What do you mean no! I have to get my food. A man hasn't eaten." I simply rolled my eyes. " I still have questions for you like who are you?" He was about to answer when there were sirens at the far distance. " well I'd love to tell you but we have to go" I broke him free from my webs and opened the window. " well what about me!" He wined. " can you fly?" I said as he got closer to me. " no so can you give me a hand." I wrapped his legs around my waist and wrapped his arms around me then began climbing up the tower. " woah at least buy me dinner first." He began getting cheeky. " continue with that and I'll drop you." He laughed and I finally made it to the top of the building. I dropped him on the floor, hearing a loud "oof" escape his mouth and I sat down in front of him. " so who are you?" I asked again. He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder to which I shook off. "I thought popular hero's like you would know me. I'm known as the merc with a mouth." I tried to remember if I had ever heard of him. Then I remembered something Tony told me.

"Now Peter, there's something I need to tell you about someone who is rather...special. His name is deadpool, known as the merc with a mouth. If you see him then run away he's a very bad person. He wears a red suit and talks a lot. He has many weapons strapped on him. But! Only if he wants to attack you. I heard he is very hard to kill and I mean very hard. There's not much we know about him actually. So befriend him. That way we know about him. And if you're having trouble call us okay." He said as he pinched my cheek. " I'm an adult not a little kid anymore I can take care of myself, but yeah I'll let you know."

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