Kids say the darndest things.

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Kid peter and wade AU
Along with supreme family
Switched to ironstrange sorry not sorry • 3<

No ones POV
Finally! A nice, beautiful summer day. The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing. Peter was complaining about wanting to go to the park. " daaaaad can we pretty please go to the park? Pretty please?" Peter said tugging  his fathers hand. Yep lovely day. " Peter get down from there!" Tony yelled at his son dangling from the ceiling. Tony sighed in annoyance. He had secretly been working on making special gloves to stop his husbands shaking hands and also protection all while a tracking chip implanted and look invisible when it wraps around the wearers hand. It looks like a penny until a lighter field wraps around the hand and also would control the shaking and ease the pain As well as add some new features on one of his suits. But then again peter hasn't been outside. Everyone's been so busy they haven't been able to take peter to the park. Tony could have honestly had a even better park made for peter right at home, but Peter insisted on going there to meet new people or possibly his friends. Peter was now six years old in first grade and like every other little boy, he desperately wanted to go do something, rather than talking to JARVIS all day or on his tablet. Which, was a shocker for a kid like him and his age. Nowadays kids his age were watching television or on their iPads and phones. Yes, six year olds on their phones. What parent thought giving their six year old an iPhone was a good idea? Certainly not Tony. Stephen smiled and pat Tony's shoulder. " c'mon hun, Peters bored and you need to get out of the house, let's go!" Stephen said while picking up Peter and giving him a piggyback ride while laughing. Tony simply chuckled and shook his head. The trio got dressed in summer weather clothes apart from stephen, wearing his cape and gloves. They finally arrived to the park. Although Tony wanted to bring his car because it had a secret alcohol stash, or beg his husband to go through with a portal, Stephen argued that " it was too much work, and people these days need to walk". So off the family went to the Park to please their bundle of joy. When they got to the park the couple sat on a bench while watching Peter run up the steps of the little playground. " look papa! I'm going to do the monkey bars!" Peter exclaimed. The park that they arrived at was red, green, and yellow. There were monkey bars, four slides,  minor swings, a sand pit, a cave, and finally, a mini house where the little girls would go in and gossip. The park was mildly full. Only five or six kids running around. Their parents either reading or taking pictures of their kids running around. Stephen grabbed Tony's hand and tony rested his head on his husbands shoulder as they watched their kid play around, ignoring minor negative comments of their affection in public. The good thing about the modern generation was that there was rarely any homophobia which put the duo at ease. Today was truly a relaxing day. That was until a little boy, black shirt and fire design, black pants and red converse walked around that ruined the atmosphere. at first the boy looked innocent, with his ocean blue eyes and cute little hairstyle he had, his cute little smile and sparkly eyes when he saw all of the kids playing around in the playground. Stephen looked at the little boy in awe but soon his thoughts on how angelic this kid must be did a complete U-turn as soon as the kid began running around. The boy had been throwing sand everywhere and even smacked a kid on the head with a stick for accidentally bumping into him. The boy was reckless, screaming and kicking and laughing, and after the parent dragged their crying kid away from this wild child, Tony began worrying for Peter. " Stephen he's going to hurt him, I swear if he does I'm gonna be-"Stephen smacked his head with a newspaper he created. " Tony we are not beating up a kid, peter will be fine, every kid likes him." Tony simply growled. Where are his parents? Tony thought to himself. Peter saw the boy and began running towards him. Tony tensed up. His face drained from color, his adrenaline pumping. Waiting, in case if this kid dared to do anything to his precious little boy". As the boys were getting close to the fathers, they stopped in front of the sand pit, the one that was right across the bench Peters fathers were currently sitting which made it easier to hear what they were talking about. Not like they would need to listen anyways. Or so they thought.

" Hi I'm Peter, what's your name." Peter asked extending his hand out to the other boy. Peter must have not seen the boys actions because he didn't seem afraid of him.
" my name is Wade and I am seven, I go to first grade". The other boy Wade said, shaking his hand. Up close one could see that the boy had some bruises on his elbow and on his eye, he had what seemed like a scratch on his forehead and his cheek was red. Tony simply huffed. Probably from all the fights he gets into with the other kids. At least he hasn't done anything to Peter.
"Hey me too! I wonder if you are in my class! You want to me my dads?" Peter yelled in excitement. Wade simply nodded smiling at how cute Peter was being. Wade let peter drag him along across the sand pit where his fathers sat. Stephen smiling along with Tony but Tony's smile looked more forced. Stephen extended his hand out to shake Wades, but Wade flinched, backing away, putting his arms up as if he were trying to block a hit. That caught Tony's attention. Stephen looked at him in confusion, Peter didn't say anything, just smiled because he didn't understand that gesture while Tony looked at the boy intensely. Did he just try to block Stephens hand as if he were going to hit him? What's up with this kid. Does he get bullied a lot or something but he shook Peters hand? This kid is weird. Tony stayed silent. Wanting to study this kids actions while unlike Tony. Stephen had caught on what Wade was doing and simply put his hands up. " it's okay I won't hurt you I just want to shake your hand. My name is Stephen Strange and I'm Peters pops" Stephen said giving wade a look of pity though wade didn't understand. Wade looked  at Steve's hand in hesitation. Is it safe to shake his hand? Wades hand shook as he slowly shook his hand and smiled when that was it. Peter giggled and Wades smile grew as he turned to face Tony. Tony shook out of his trans as he felt his husband elbow him in the side. " oOf- sup kid I'm Tony Strange, Peters...other dad." Tony said and waved at Wade instead. Wade smiled and waved back.
" wow your parents are nice." Wade said out loud causing a blush to creep onto Stephen and Tony. " yeah my dads are awesome! They sometimes help bake cookies with me and my auntie, and my uncle Thor gives the best piggy back rides!" Peter said rambling on about his family. Wade just listened with amusement. Nodding at everything Peter said. When Peter finished, he then sat on the floor patting a spot for Wade. " So Wade, what is your family like?" Peter asked causing Stephen to cringe and Tony looking at him in confusion.
Wade looked down thinking when suddenly his face lit up pointing his finger up. " my parents like to hit me and throw beer bottles at me and everyone said that they wish I died!" Wade said with a hint of pride thinking that was a compliment. Tony's face fell, realisation hitting him like a brick. This kid gets beat too? Now I feel really bad for judging him. I bet he doesn't even know what a hug feels like. Tony looked down and Stephen noticed and hugged his husband comforting him along with his cape patting his back.
" oh no! They bully you? That's terrible! You should fight back!" Peter said with a fierce expression, fists up in a fighting position, punching the air. Wade simply laughed.
" I can't do that! They said they'll shoot me if they did. And they say I'm weak. Plus they're scary, like monsters so that's why I'm here. I ran away from them." Peters face fell when he saw how Wades cheery expressions transitioned to being upset. Tony was on the verge of tears. He felt really bad for this kid so he had to make it up for him. " well my dad says that when he's having a bad day, papa goes and hugs him and he tells me that his day gets better so, do you want a hug?" Peter said as he looked at wade. Stephen covered his mouth with his hand. They're so cute! Stephen thought while Tony smiled. I taught him well, I taught him well...
Wade nodded, tears threatening to fall down his tired eyes, that have probably seen too much. Peter got up and so did wade and peter wrapped his arms around wade hugging him. At first wade was shocked but relaxed into the hug, wrapping his little arms around Peters waist. Happy to receive some form of affection for once in 7 years. Peter pulled away giggling and wade along too.
" you wanna go down the slide?" Peter said laughing. Wade smiled and the duo went crazy going down every slide and playing on every swing, playing tag and hide and seek, while Stephen and Tony looked at them lovingly.
" let's take them out for ice cream, give wade our number if he ever wants to go play with Peter." Tony blurted our, shocked that escaped his mouth. Stephen laughed and nodded, both getting up.
" alright let's do it" Wow I'm so proud of Peter, look at that. Our little boy found someone to make them feel better and befriend. Stephen thought.
The couple smiled, taking wade with them to get the car, taking them to the ice cream shop then even dropping him off at home.
" Bye kid, if you ever want to come over just text that number or call it okay?" Tony said smiling. Wade smiled watching the car get smaller as it got father from wade. He sat there watching Peters car drift away, soon the car was no longer seen.

" finally Peter has a friend" something Stephen thought, but no. Peter never really made a friend. For that friend soon became a lover in various years later, both living their current life. Peter happy he met wade years ago and Tony grew from that experience to never judge anyone by how they act or what they look like.

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