Embarrassing brutality

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Sorry guys I ship ironstrange now 😂.
3rd person
In this fine afternoon, the avengers had gone out on missions except for Stephen and Tony, who stayed back at the tower because they'd promise their " son" that they'd visit him Tonight. They calmly packed their bags and by calmly, Stephen was packing the clothes and Tony on the other hand grumbled about the trip. " Tony he's an adult what's the problem with him having a boyfriend." Stephen said as he put his clothes into his suitcase. They promised peter they would stay at his new house for three days. The only reason they're bringing huge suitcases is because they're bringing decorations and other stuff for Peters new house. "It's not that he has a boyfriend it's who that boyfriend is hun." Tony growled as he finished packing. Stephen laughed and caressed his husbands cheek. " you'll be alright, dear. Besides, I'm pretty sure Peter is still a Virgin, and he's been keeping deadpool in check. He hasn't killed anyone in months. So we don't have to watch over him so much. You'll be fine, I'll be fine, and Peter will most certainly be fine. Don't worry that pretty head of yours. Or else you'll loose all your hair." Stephen said laughing and closing his suitcase while Tony touched his hair in a panic. The duo shoved their suitcases in Tonys car and prepared to leave. " remember J.a.r.v.i.s, I want this facility to remain the same way we left it. Alright?" J.a.r.v.i.s. Nodded and went inside as Tony and Stephen drove towards Peters house.

(Meanwhile at Peters house)
"Wade! Get up and grab your towel and go shower, my fathers are coming in 30 minutes and they probably don't know that I'm not a Virgin so I have to make it look like I'm still a Virgin!" Peter shouted as he dried his wet hair while putting on some new clothes. "Petey, did you really just say that? Out of all of the things you should be worried about, your virginity is your top priority? And I thought I was the dirty one, also, since when is Tony and Stephen your fathers." Wade laughed as he caught a glimpse at Peters flushed face and ran to the shower before Peter could throw his hairdryer at him. " they're my father figures, so be nice." Peter switched the bedsheets and vacuumed and wiped the table in the room along with the dresser and the TV with stains, trying to cover up the previous nights activities. He put some spray in the room and made sure the guest bedroom was nice and clean then cleaned the kitchen along with the living room. The good thing about the house was that it wasn't far from the city so trying to get to the city to stop crime wasn't an issue. The whole house was clean and finally Wade was out of the shower so Peter could jump in then clean it. Finally Peter was done and the food that Wade prepared was finished. He put on his clothes and sat on the couch. All that they needed were the guests. As if on cue there was a ring and sure enough it was the guests. Peter eagerly opened the door while Wade awkwardly tugged at the seams of the pillow on the black couch. Wade still wasn't comfortable with having his mask off around others so he had it on. Finally the guests came in and were surprised to see Wade patiently sitting on the couch for them so politely. They thought the house would have had been filled with bullet holes and blood along with the addition of spider webs. But to their surprised it looked tidy. There were two black couches along with an electric fireplace, a glass coffee table with a silver rim around, a grey carpet, a nice dinner table with a chandelier beautifully set at the center, and a marble bar table with a nice pantry, and china that aunt may had probably given them. Tony was surprised to see how homey and nice the place looked and even went as far as to give wade a pat on the back for maintaining it that way. Peter took them to their room where they'd be staying and to leave their suitcases there and Stephen's cape handed peter some vases, plates, cups, pictures, table mats, new bedsheets, and some curtains. Peter looked at his fathers in surprise to see how so much was able to fit in the suitcase but didn't question any further. Probably magic Peter thought. The three went back to dining table to see it had already been set up by Wade and so was the food. Tony looked at the food in amazement. " peter, did you make all of this?" Tony looked astonished his mouth open wide, eyes popping out. " well actually wade did." Peter said as he hugged wade by the side holding his arm. Stephen and tony looked at wade in shock but also uncertainty. Did wade poison the food? They thought. Stephen gave tony a look and tony returned the same expression. Stephen decided not to press on it and instead pulled out the chair to let tony sit down and everyone sat down, politely passing the food and chatting.Nobody asked about wade taking the mask off so wade simply lifted up he mask to eat and once the food had all been consumed, Peter turned on the T.V to watch a movie. " I'll be right back" Peter said as he went to the room. Wade couldn't take it any longer. He dreaded being so polite and well mannered. he. Needed.to.do.something.now. He thought to scare peter. Yes that was a great idea! Nothing too freaky and very dangerous. Wade chuckled to himself and waited a while until he got up and slowly crept up the stairs. He made sure to be quiet so that the guests didn't notice him gone. Then he slowly peeped through the door and saw his spider lover on the other side of the room grabbing what must have been some pain killers. Peter looked around the room, his spidey senses going off but he didn't pay any mind to it, so he took a few  pain killers and drank some water and when he set the bottle down that's when Wade slammed the door open screaming at the top of his lungs. " IM A PRETTY PRINCESS!" This startled peter so he let out a shout and jumped at Wade in an attempt to knee him in the face with his calves but ended up slamming his junk into Wades face causing a shriek to escape his mouth while on top of Wade knocking him to the ground. " don't scare me like that!" Peter yelled. Then he felt a vibration on his crotch causing a choked moan to escape his mouth. He looked down and noticed he had sat on Wades face. His crotch on his mouth. Peter shrieked and that's when Tony bursted through the door. " Peter are you oka-". The room was silent as he took in what he saw. In Peters room he saw Peter, scarlet red, sitting on his boyfriends face, as his boyfriend laid his mouth on his..you get the point. The only thing keeping it from being skin to skin contact is Wades mask and Peters jeans. Tony tensed up and looked down in rage praying he wouldn't burst in anger. " Peter....mind telling me what the fuck you're doing on Wades face like that?" Peter fumbled with his words and got up while tugging at his shirt to hide the new erection that had formed. " I..uhh..acrobats?" Peter struggled, his palms were sweaty, and so was his face. Before Tony could say anything else he felt his husband behind him. " first of all what's with all the ruckus, and second of all, Tony this was clearly an accident, you shouldn't even be mad if they did choose to do some activities rather explicit since this is their house, and finally I'm pretty sure he's not even a Virgin anymore so why don't you just relax and let's finish watching the movie, yeah?" Stephen said. Then wade sat up ( recovering from his mini heart attack) " yeah he's not a Virgin, taken by yours truly" Wade said pointing at himself then Peter smacking wade upside the head. "Yeah why are you mad, you were a playboy!" Peter said while forming a circle with one hand and sticking his finger through with the other going back and fourth while laughing.  Tony huffed, his face turning red with rage and embarrassment, and he balled his hands into fists, knuckles turning white. " why you little-". He didn't get to finish what he said as Stephen ordered his cape to trap him, dragged him downstairs. " c'mon hun, you've caused enough trouble for one night and it hasn't even been 9 o'clock yet, you two play nice and wear protection, oh and don't be too loud or your dad here will blow a hissy fit about it".  Peter blushed as he heard his father cursing and his pops comforting him but then laughed and soon wade laughed. This was truly a night to be remembered.

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