The bullies

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High school Au

Peter's POV
I was running to my class because I had something I had to take care of and I was going to be late. Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Peter Parker and I'm 18, I like science and I'm in my last year of high school I'm currently taking photography so I had to take some pictures here and there. When I got to class I immediately took out my phone.

Me: I was almost late to class because of you! 😡
Wade: shut up you love me😘
I sighed. Oh sorry I forgot. I'm currently dating someone and no it's not the " pretty girl in the class". It's a He and we met while I was patrolling. It turns out he's in the same grade as me but dropped out. It didn't bother me, people choose different paths all the time. As long as he's not out there killing people for no reason. I mean he kills people and it bothers me but usually it's really bad people. The bell rang signalling that it was time for class.
Me: I have to go, bye wade ☺️
Wade: bye bye baby boy 🥰😍😘😙
I blushed and put my phone away. I did my work, listened to the lesson and when the bell rang I rushed through the halls again because I stopped to take some photos. As I was running I collided with someone causing me to fall backwards. Where are my spidey senses? This was weird. Could I have been so distracted I didn't sense something in my way? No that's not possible. When I looked up I saw it was flash. I groaned and he grabbed me by the shirt. Normally I would have gotten myself down and beat him but I didn't want him to know because last time he almost suspected I was Spiderman and I seriously don't want him finding out. He slammed me against the lockers and smirked. " ohh you chose the wrong day to bump into me dickwad" he said and threw a punch at me. I saw it coming, clear as day but I didn't move. His fist collided with my face and I knew I'd be spotting a black eye later. People gathered around to see the commotion and his smile only grew wider. He threw me on the ground and kicked my stomach. Again, I saw it coming, I saw it all coming but I didn't do anything. Now you're all probably wondering. Why don't you just dodge the hits Peter? Stop letting him step all over you. I really would but I dont want people to find out I'm Spiderman and then be angry at me because I could have done things for them but didn't. I just want to stay out of trouble ( even though I get into trouble patrolling). Patrolling is enough trouble so why bother. Flash kicked me really hard on one of my rips making me scream loudly in pain and I knew something was damaged. He yanked me by the hair and punched me again giving me a bloody nose and busted lip. After that he threw me down and stepped on my ankle and I screamed. At this point tears threatened to escape my eyes and I let them fall because if I showed I wasn't in pain they would suspect something. I've been hurt a lot worse to where this is nothing, but everyone thinks I'm weak. Flash finishes throwing me around like a rag doll and he leaves laughing with his friends. Everyone else leaves and I'm laying there by myself. I groan and wince in pain as I get up and when I stand up I fall back on my knees. Goddamn it flash. I thought. I had a broken ankle and some ribs were probably broken. I had decided to change into my Spiderman suit so that I could web my way to a rooftop. I got dressed, might I add very painfully, and fell on a rooftop and just laid there. " Oh my gosh baby boy are you okay?" I gulped. Wade. I looked up and was sitting down and nodded and he looked at me confused but also nodded. " just had a rough time saving someone." He shook his head not believing me. " what you don't believe me?" I said in defence. " as a matter of fact I don't believe you spidey, because I saw everything on the internet." He said angrily. I sighed and held my head down low. " oh so you saw that." He shook his head. " why didn't you do anything, your spider senses are very good and you could easily throw him around, why didn't you do anything". I just looked down. Although we had our masks on I knew he was angry. " I don't know, I guess I was afraid he'd find out who I am so I didn't want to risk anything". He grabbed my shoulders. " not wanting to be discovered and letting people beat you around are two different things and you don't need to worry about just one of them". I stayed silent. " take off your mask, I want to see how bad they hurt you". I shook my head " wade, I'm fine trust me I'm okay it's honestly not that bad". He shook his head. " I didn't ask for a description I asked to see it, now take it off, please." I couldn't say no. He'll find a way to see so I did as he said. I took my mask off and he gasped. " peter..." I was shocked. He never says my name unless it's something serious. With his gloved hand he ran his fingers across my skin and I winced at every part of my bruises face. " I'm going to take the suit off of you but first we need to get to my apartment so web your way there. I did as he said and we made it to his apartment barely unnoticed. He laid me on the couch and got a first aid kit. He cleaned up my bloody nose and cleaned the cut on my lip and patched it up. He took off my suit and took off my shirt and gasped when he saw all the yellow and a bump. He grabbed ice and crushed it in a bad and wrapped it around a cloth and put it on my rips. I winced in pain. He took off his mask and I felt bad he looked so sad." need to take better care of yourself, because I care about you so much. I don't want to see you like this and it's all because of a bully. What is the bully's name anyways?" I chuckled. " I'll admit it I appreciate that you care but don't worry DP it's not that big of a deal. It was some random dude don't worry about it". He shook his head unconvinced and kissed my cheek. I blushed and I cupped his cheek smiling. He smiled and turned his T.V on. " let's watch a random show on tv just because". He said and I laughed. We got blankets and watched something then he dropped me off at home and I fell asleep and dreaded for tomorrow.

Wades POV
It was morning and I was going to follow spidey at school because I know it wasn't just some " rando". As he likes to put it. I chose to wear civilian clothes, a hoddie, some black jeans and black shoes and made my way out the door. I know what time spidey gets out of the house so I waited behind a dumpster and when I saw him pass by I followed behind quietly. He went directly to school and I followed again behind. I hid between trash cans and other stuff and blended with the crowd. I was about to go get a drink at the water fountain when I saw a man push spidey down making him groan. Again he didn't use his spidey senses. The man was about to hit him and I knew spidey saw it coming so I got behind the kid and grabbed his arm. He tried to wiggle his wrist but I tightened my grip. Then I slammed him against the locker and he screamed when he saw my face. Typical. " listen, if you hurt Peter, and I mean ever. I'm going to make sure every single bone in your body is broken so you'll be a floppy skin and muscles and bones lying around as you internally bleed to your death, I will make you scared of peter if you hurt him. I will hurt you so bad you'll die and I'll make sure you won't be remembered. You'll die in the most painful way ever that you're going to wish burning alive was an option. Do I make myself clear?" He nodded and whimpered then I threw him to the side and picked up Peter. If any of you lay a finger on him I'm going to be your worst nightmare. Some people nodded in fear others didn't believe me until I took my gun out. " don't believe me and your brains will become decorations in the school." Everyone screamed and I put my gun away and carried peter out of the school. " hey you okay." He looked at me and then began laughing and. I was laughing. He then winced in pain and I hugged him. " what you did back there...I uhh...thank you". I smiled and kissed him. " anything for you baby boy."  He smiled and I hugged him. " alright that should be taken care of go to class, don't be such a bum like me". He laughed and grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. We parted and he walked back to class.

And that folks is how you deal with bullies. If any of you peeps are struggling call your best pal deadpool and he won't hesitate to put them in their place. The grave. Bye bye readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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