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Chapter Text

His hands were all over him, ripping off his clothes, piece by little piece, Sam was struggling underneath Lucifer, but his hand and feet were tied down, he was helpless.


Sam was screaming at Lucifer, struggling against his grip, as he started touching Sam in no place a guy had ever touched him before.


You swear to who Sammy, dear old Dad can't offer you any help down here and you would do well to remember that.

Sam was writhing against the restraints he was under and Lucifer kept helping himself to whatever he wanted from Sam. He could do that, he had all the power and Sam was just his little pet toy, who he was free to do whatever he pleased with.

"Sammy!" Sam could have sworn he had heard Dean's voice, but that was impossible, he was locked in hell, and Dean was out there in the real world.

AAAAH GET OFF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Sammy!! Wake up! Goddammit WAKE UP!!" Sam could feel someone's hands shaking him, it wasn't Lucifer, it was someone else. Dean. He felt different to the hands that were holding him down against his will, they felt more, real.

Sam slowly began to realize that, as the shaking of Dean became more real, the force of Lucifer became less so. He struggled to keep hold of Dean and slowly began to open his eyes to hear himself screaming, and see himself convulsing in Dean's arms as Dean searches his face for any signs of recognition with pure terror in his eyes.

"Sam! Ohmygod Sam can you hear me!?"

Sam slowly raised his eyes, to meet Dean's and gave as much of a nod as he could before squeezing his eyes shut trying to forget everything he'd just seen.

2 Hours Later

"It's never been like that before Sammy, I've never seen you that bad, you were out for a good hour, before I even started making any progress on you. Kicking and screaming and thrashing all over the place, I'm surprised no one called the police on us." Dean looked at his brother with worry in his eyes, he was truly scared about whatever ordeal Sam had just witnessed, it seemed to have shaken him right down to the core.

"I, um, I don't want to talk about it Dean." Sam remained sat as he had for the past 2 hours since being awoken from his nightmare: knees brought up to his chest, arms wrapped around them, with his head placed in between the tops of his two knees. Dean was looking at him and couldn't help but think of him as his terrified little brother, even though Sam was coming on 29 now. He was acting in exactly the same way he did when John went off at him when they were younger, only this time Dean didn't know how to comfort him from something that happened inside his own head.

Dean simply stared at his younger brother as he began slowly rocking back and forth as a way of trying to comfort himself. Dean felt so helpless, he couldn't help Sam if he didn't know what he was so afraid of. "Sammy, hey hey listen to me, I don't know what you think you just saw, but you're safe here Sammy, no one can touch you here, I'm here to protect you okay?" He was speaking with a tone that was so low and soothing, Sam remembered Dean speaking to him like that when he had been much younger, it was always Dean's way of comforting him even in the most dire situations.

Sam tried with all his might to believe what Dean was saying, but it wasn't enough, not this time. Sam was having a hard time shaking the feeling he was still in the pit, still surrounded by things that wanted to kill him, and destroy him, and it was only now that he was out that he was realizing they'd succeeded. Sam continued to rock in his little ball, trying to reassure himself that they couldn't get to him anymore, not now Dean was here, but he realized all too soon, that no matter where he went they'd always be with him in his memories.

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