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I went off the couch and into a bathroom he had for human companions.

I took off my converse and all those types of things.

I looked in the mirror.

I was going to look like this forever.

I put my dirty clothes in a pile and took a shower.

It felt nice.

Especially with the dirt up my ass.

After the shower there was a pile of clean clothes.

Luckily it was some jeans and a tshirt.

Because I didn't want to go out looking like a hoe.

My hair is the length of Godric's, so not much to do there.

After putting my shoes back on, I came back out.

I look so fucking pale.

I sat in a corner and read a book I found on a book shelf.

It was a language book.

I was learning about swedish.

After I was finished I became fluent in the language.

Which was very surprising to be honest that I learned them so fast.

I learned some more, even Latin and Greek.

I decided to brush up on my Spanish (which I already knew because of school), when I was grabbed by my arm.

What the fuck now?

"Come with me." It was Eric, my new 'brother'.

I roll my eyes and put down the book.

I follow him and try to start a conversation in swedish.

"So, you're a viking?" I asked in swedish.

"Was a viking." He replied.

We were silent for the rest of our walk.

I don't even know how to feel about all of this.

It felt awkward being around all of these people.

The time was now 11:00 PM.

Which left me surprised.

I thought it would be at least 2:00 by now.



"Eric. Why do I have these fucking veins?"

I already knew what it was.

Hep V.

That girl must have had it!


Ok. I'm gonna die.

Whatever, I guess.

Ok, now I'm starting to rot.

Eric ran to some place and came back.

He put a liquid in my mouth.

It tasted bitter, yet somewhat sweet at the same time.

After it was done the veins went away and the rotting stopped.

"Why did you do that?" I gasped.

"Godric wants you alive. I'm only doing what I was told to do." He said coldly.

Why am I fucking important? I was something he made as a punishment for doing some random shit.

Why the fuck would he care.

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