Darkened Souls

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(A/N: This was written by friends. Not the same as before, though. So...ENJOY!!!!!!)

Some souls

Are darker than others

Deep beyond your nightmares

You'll find another

Hidden from view

Seeking revenge

Seething silently

Raging in loneliness

For the pain

The sorrow

The cruelty

It seemed like it would never end

And when it did

All it left was anger

And betrayal

And a soul so dark that the light would never penetrate

The walls built up high

The claws ready to tear

In vengeance

Without a care

For the world

For people

For friends

For family

For love

Or for anything but the satisfaction of the evil

The thoughtless evil

The unforgivable evil

The unfathomable evil

The endless evil

The heartless evil

For how could someone so terrible have a heart hidden inside?

All that remained was an empty shell

With the remains of a blackened soul

A darkened soul

That could never be salvaged

A conscience long tuned to the darkness

Confined in the walls

Never to leave

A prisoner of his own past

The shadows of doubt

The fire burning inside

All you can hear

Is a cry of rage

Years pass and it stays the same

The flames never dying

The anger never dimming

The soul never lighting

The heart never growing

The happiness never coming

Even as the wait went on

Nothing good came of it

And finally it was realized

That darkened souls cannot be fixed

For they never fade

They are forever



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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