please help it's late and i'm really caffeinated rn

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Pinky has opened a new chatroom.

Pinky: Oh oh ohhh ohhhhh

Pinky: Oh oh ohhh ohhhhh

Pinky: Oh oh ohhh ohhhhh

Pinky: Make it count

Pinky: Play it straight

Pinky: Don't look back

Pinky: Don't hesitate

Pinky: When you go big time

Deku is online.

Deku: How could you recite the Big Time Rush theme at a time like this?

Pinky: Because my tears aren't coming out at a fast enough rate and they are affecting my brain, Midoriya.

Deku: gkfjfjfjdjgjdjdjfkekrk

Deku: Uraraka's gone, Sero's gone- God, who's next?

Pinky: Well,

Pinky: All Might, Aizawa-sensei, Present Mic, and Midnight are all out on business. Part of the business is with the fact that those two quit.

Deku: All Might? He didn't fucking tell me shit. JUST LIKE MY REAL DAD!

Pinky: Pull yourself together, it's not like All Might "went out for milk".

Deku: I guess you're right;;

Deku: Maybe they'll talk some sense into Ura and Sero.

Pinky: Yeah

Pinky: The rest of the girls are pretty messed up from Uraraka snapping like that. Kaminari is really worried about Sero...

Deku: Iida is upset by it as well... I asked him if he wanted to organize some shelves with me to get his mind off it, but he refused...

Deku: ...

Deku: How is Kirishima?

Pinky: Let's not talk about how he's doing.

Pinky: Sero and Uraraka both don't want anything to do with us anymore. It kinda... hurts. Y'know? You must be pretty upset as well..

Deku: Yeah. They were both really good friends, classmates, and overall students, it hurts a lot for them to leave, but we need to stay positive.

Pinky: You're right.

Deku: Speaking of positive, we should go cheer Tsu up! She's Uraraka's best friend, after all.

Pinky: I'd go as far as to say they're lesbians.

Deku: That works too!

Deku: Let's go cheer up Froppy!

Deku is offline.

Pinky is offline.

EarphoneJack is online.

InvisibleGirl is online.

EarphoneJack: Yarn ox umbrella knight never octopus wind when hind ocean in second network end xylophone transparent.

InvisibleGirl: Undermine never destroy ender real stain tick on old Delaware.

EarphoneJack is offline.

InvisibleGirl is offline.

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