Chapter 55

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As i held my daughter and looked into her eyes , i made her a promise . I lightly rocked her and walked around the room

Me : hi baby girl im your dad . Unlike other dads , ima be here for you . You are my first child so im going to be protective over you . You are so beautiful london . Im going to be here to help you ride your bike . Im going to be hear to put a band aid on your bruise when you fall . Im going to be here to teach you how to drive . Im going to be here when you go to prom . Im going to walk you down the isle when you get married . But no boys until you are 37 . Im going to be here through it all . I promise . I dont break my promises . I will spoil you and give you whatever you need . You are my first priority in life . I love you so much london .

I kissed her forehead . She drifted off to sleep .

Lauren : can i hold my baby ?

I gave london to her . I walked out the room and jeremiah followed me .

Jeremiah : whats wrong man ?

Me : i cant believe im a dad . My baby girl is so gorgeous man

Jeremiah pulled me into a bro hug .

Jeremiah : congradulations man

Me : thank you . And i wana know if you would like to be the god father

Jeremiah : i will man

I dapped him up . I noticed tangerine coming down the hall with balloons and flowers . Jeremiah and i gave her a hug and we went back into the room .

Lauren's P.O.V

Tangerine came in with flowers and balloons . She sat them down and hugged me .

Tangerine : she is beautiful

Me : thank you

Tangerine : she looks just like derrick

Me : everybody says that

She washed her hands and i gave her london . I felt cold because of the medicine that was in me .

Zahari : since we didnt get to have a baby shower , we should still have one

Me : zahari what the hell you talking about

Zahari : like when you come home , we should still have a baby shower even tho the baby is already here

Me : ooohhhhhh . But wait , we forgot all about the bond fire

Jeremiah : me and derrick got that

They left to go clean up in the woods . I got up to take me a good ol ' shower . It felt so good to be able to see my feet again . After my 35 minute shower , the nurse gave me a new gown . I put that on , and went back to the bed . They had already changed the sheets and everything when i had got out . I looked over at my baby girl and she is beautiful . Me and derrick did a good job if i do say so myself . I can already tell that shes gona be spoiled . Especially by derrick since this is his first baby .

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