Chapter 63

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I am in bed having a peaceful sleep when my phone started vibrating loudly I groaned and picked it up. I walked out the bedroom into the hallway so that I would not wake Lexi up.

Hello I said.

Hey Abel I have great news for you he said it's my manager.

What is it I said.

The show for mtv has picked up. They want you out here in 2 days.

Really that's great tell them I will be there.

Alright I will see you later then he said.

Ok bye I said before hanging up the phone. I went back into the roon and got back in bed with Alexis she looks so peaceful you know I have to fuck that up. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close kissing her neck while playing with clit she tried to move my hand away but I just went faster. She started moaning and started to wake up all the way.

Stop Abel I'm trying to sleep she said trying not to moan.

Wake up then I said softly in her ear.

I'm up damn she said pushing me away. She got up and went into the bathroom I don't what's her problem lately she has been very moody.


I haven't been myself lately I usually like it when Abel wakes me up like that. I guess I'm just getting my period I hope. I hopped in the shower to clear my mind. Once I got out I just wrapped a towel around me and walked back out to see Abel.

Im sorry baby I said kissing his cheek.

It's ok lexi, but I have good news he said smiling at me.

What is it.

Im going to LA in 2 today's to do that thing for mtv.

Really baby that's great I said hugging him.

Do you want to come with me.

No I will just hang out here and hold shit down while you gone.

That's my girl he said before kissing me.

How long will you be gone.

About 3-4 days he said.

Oh ok I said still smiling at him. I got up and went to go get dressed I put on a black shirt, black pants and a camo jacket. By the time I finished dressing Abel was in the shower I went to go check on Adrien. He wasn't sleep he was just starting at the ceiling.

Good morning my big boy I said picking him up. I changed his diaper and dressed him in all black like me. I took him down stairs and put him in his high chair today I am going to try and feed him baby food.

Ok Adrien are you ready for some apples I said. He just looked at me like I was dumb, I put some cinnamon in the apples just to give it some flavor.

Open wide Adrien I said before putting some in his mouth. He made a face then he swallowed it I gave him some more and he swallowed it with out making a face.

Yay you like it I said giving him some more.

He likes what Abel said coming in the kitchen.

He likes the baby food I'm giving him I said while looking back at him.

Aw that's good he said while getting some water out of the fridge.

What are you doing today I asked him.

I'm going to a meeting with the crew, then im going to come back and start packing.

Oh ok I said.

What are you guys doing today.

We are going to the mall with Asia then we are going to the park since it's starting to warm up a bit.

Have fun baby, I gotta go should be back before you he said before kissing my lips.

Alright have a good meeting I said he kissed Adrien then left.

Adrien we are going to have fun today and I hope we wear you out so you can take a long nap when we get back I said to him. He started beating on the table with his little hands.


We are at the mall and we are in Baby Gap looking for some clothes for Adrien.

So when's the wedding Asia said.

I don't know we haven't even started making suggestions. Abel says he wants to have a wedding in the fall.

Really that's it she said looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

Yes that's it when he comes back from his trip maybe we can start planning.

So there's no rush.

No not really we both know we love each other and that we are committed to each other I said looking through the racks.

Oh, and where is he going.

To do a show for mtv in LA.

Why don't you go with him she asked.

I don't want to go I said with a little bit of an attitude.

Alexis can I ask you something.

Yeah what is it.

Are you pregnant she asked me.

No, I mean I don't think I am. Why would you ask me that I said.

You've been moody lately and other things has been going on.

Oh I'm sorry if I have been acting like a bitch lately. I'm not pregnant we have been careful I think.

It's ok and maybe it's just stress.

Yeah that's probably it I said still a little shocked. I hope I'm not pregnant Abel is was to busy for that but if it happens I know he will be happy and support me.


Today my baby is leaving even though its for like 3 or 4 days I'm still going to miss him like crazy. I am in the kitchen siting on the counter top eating some fruit while Abel is putting his bags by the door.

My ride should be on the way lexi he said while coming over to me.

I'm going to miss you Abel I said while pouting my lips.

Don't be sad baby I'm going to miss you too he said before kissing my lips. In the middle of our kissing we heard a horn blowing.

That's for me he said pulling away.

Oh ok baby I said getting off the counter to walking him to the door.

I will call you later he said before kissing my lips one last time.

Alright have a safe flight and good luck I said.

Ok baby girl I love you.

I love you too I said before closing the door. I went upstairs to check on Adrien he was up looking at the ceiling.

It's just me and you baby boy I said picking him up and kissing his cheek.

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