Chapter 1-The Beginning

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The beginning of the universe as we know it, an event that only people can wonder. Shaggy was the creator of this universe. It all started when the big bang happened, when Shaggy used only 3% of his power to create it.

Shaggy Rogers himself is a complete mystery, no one truly knows where his power came from. But many people believe that overdoses of Scooby Snacks helped him increase his power to the point where he became god.

However, many people never knew his existence due to an incident in the 1350s that wiped out 2/3 of Europe. But an underground cult helped the Shaggy legacy live on until in the 1950s, a member of Hanna Barbera created the reincarnated version of Shaggy.

A man known as Shaggy Rogers would become the new face for an all powerful being.

This is the official Bible, of Shaggyism. ZOINKS!

The OFFICIAL Shaggyism BibleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant