Chapter 1

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Braelynn's POV:
I woke up to the blaring noise of my alarm and the bright New York sun shining in from my bay window. I rolled out of bed making a big thud as I hit the wooden floors.
"Owwwwwew" I groaned as I picked myself up and waddled over to my closet.
"Good morning Lynnie!" Madelaine smiled popping her head into the light created by my window.
"Hey Madie. I don't get how you can be so giddy in the mornings. It's annoying." She giggled at me being so obviously annoyed.
"Well my college fair well party is tonight. So we're going shopping after school. Which means no skate park today! Please don't kill me. Love you!" She screamed and ran out of my room.
I rolled my eyes at my energetic sister and scrummaged through my closet picking out a pair of ripped jeans and a white tube top with a beige teddy jacket. I slid my feet down the stairs and started my espresso machine.
"Hey sweetie I have to get into the office early so I need you to drive yourself and Ashley to school." My dad yelled coming down from his room.
"Dad why do I have to drive Ashley? Doesn't Corbyn have his license?" I sipped on my coffee awaiting an answer.
"He had to go in early for a project. Please sweetie I would appreciate your help."
"Alright. But only because Ashley is my favorite Besson."
"I'll make sure Corbyn knows that!" I giggled at his remark as he ran out the door. I placed a new cup in the machine and turned it on while I threw on my high top vans. Once it was finished brewing, I fixed the coffee and jumped into my white Jeep Cherokee.
"Ashley it's time for schoollllll!" I screamed as she slammed her front door.
"What's up bitch."
"Nothing much hoe how is your morning?" I snickered.
"My hair is a mess and I didn't have time for coffee!"
"Well it looks like you're in luck because here's my extra scrunchie and here's a caramel iced latte with almond milk. Just how you like it." She perked up and began squealing.
"Awww Bree you're the best!"
"I know!" She playfully glared at me and sipped her coffee as a drove out of her driveway and back past my house.
"Hey Jolie!!" I stopped the car and looked around.
"Oh hey Marais! You better pick up your pace or you won't make it to the first bell!" Ashley and I smirked as I sped off and onto school.
"Thanks for the ride Bree! You're the best"
"Of course Ash. Only because you're my favorite Besson! But don't tell the Bean. He will get grumpy" I smiled at her and hit her shoulder as she walked out of my car.
"Can't wait for another day in hell" I mumbled, "and then dress shopping damnit!"
This was going to be a very long day.


I pulled into the large mall parking lot and reluctantly stepped out of my car. I met my sister in a shop and she threw multiple outfits at me to try on. I decided on an olive green body con dress with high heel black booties and black blazer-like jacket. Happy with her choices, Madie went to the cash register to buy my outfit. Just then my phone buzzed. I looked down to see what I assumed was a disappointed Jack.

Avery 🍜 : Lynn where were you today I missed my skating buddy.
                                                         Lynn 🏅: sorry Noodle my sister forced me to a mall to get a....dress
Avery 🍜: oh not a dress what has she done
                                                       Lynn 🏅: I know it's terrifying. Anyways I'll see you at the park tomorrow. Same time as always. See you around Avery
Avery 🍜: Alright be safe Lynn. See you tomorrow!

I shut my phone off and looked at my sister who was standing right in front of me.
"Ready to go?"
"And get out of this mall? Yes please!" I squealed and leaped out of the store.

The party had started 20 minutes ago but there I lay on my bed dressed in my school clothes. Guests are still piling in so I decide to get dressed. I put on the outfit Madie made me buy and did some light makeup. Then I slowly make my way downstairs. I'm halfway down the banister and hear someone yell,
"Aye Bree! I haven't seen you around school where you been?" I looked and saw Corbyn walking up the banister next to me.
"Bean! Today was a long day. So maybe we were busy. But I'm glad you're here!"
We did our little handshake and he walked off to find my sister. I wandered around looking for someone I knew. Lucky for me, I found Liv. I groaned and quickly turned on my heel to walk away but it was too late.
"Oh Braelynn!" I reluctantly looked back to see Liv waving me down.
"Olivia. Hey. What are you doing here?"
"Enjoying the party duh! Jonah invited me. Cute huh?"
"Definitely." I looked down and rolled my eyes.
How can this get any worse.
"Babe!" I heard from behind me.
Fuck. And it got worse.
"Hey my Love. Oh I was just telling Braelynn about how amazing her sisters party was!" Olivia smiled.
"Yeah tell your sister thank you for the invite Jolie. This is great! I'm gonna go get us some drinks." And with that he walked off.
"Don't mess with my boyfriend ever again. He's mine!"
"Olivia he's my neighbor I have to be ni-" the words cut off by a bottled Gatorade running down my back.
My face turned red as I felt someone's hand wrap around my wrist and pull me up the staircase. It was Ashley with Jess there plopped on my bed. I internally screamed and jumped onto my bed with my friends.
"Why does she hate me so much!" I scream into my pillow.
"Because Marais likes you and she knows it"
"Jess I love you but you're an actual idiot if you believe that!" I busted out laughing at the thought.
"Whatever you just need a shower. You smell like alcohol." Ashley made a disgusted face and pushed me into my bathroom.
I giggled at my insane friends and turned on the shower. I put my stained clothes on the sink and stepped in the shower letting the warm water hit my body. My muscles began to slowly calm and I sang until my mind was clear.

Ashley's POV:
Jess fell asleep while listening to the music Bree played in her bathroom so I decided to look through Bree's closet for her a new outfit. As I was piecing together something to wear, an orange velvet box fell out from and shelf and spilled out envelopes. As I went to go put them up, I saw one addressed to my brother. I took it out and what I read astonished me.
Dear Corbyn,
I know we have been best friends for years but this feeling I've received for you is something not to keep to myself. I wonder at night what it would be like if I had expressed this to you before you and Madelaine ever met. If you would feel the same. But now I am left here writing my emotions away on a letter than I will never be brave enough to send off to you. I am left stuck and confused. Wondering if anyone could feel the same way I feel about them. Especially you.
I glanced at the other letters to see who else she had written these letters to. I tried to find someone I knew when my gaze fell upon a name too well known to forget - Jonah Marais. A smirk fell upon my face as a bright idea came to mind. I hope she doesn't mind me stealing these for a good cause. And with that I shoved the box in my book bag and ran out of the house, to the post office.

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