Chapter 12

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Braelynn's POV:
It was New Year's Day. The day of resolutions and changes in lifestyle. My life is a mess but I could clean my room. I grabbed my headphones and turned on my blaring music as I cleaned my messy room.

Zach's POV:
I haven't seen or heard from Bree in over two weeks. Ever since the ski trip she hasn't talked to any of us other than the girls and Daniel. The only reason I knew she was alive and somewhat okay was from the text messages between her and Alisha.
"Just go check on her Zach." Alisha sighed since I was looking through old messages that Bree sent me.
"I'll see you later this week ok? Love you!" I pecked her lips and ran out to my car to check on Bree.
After about 30 minutes, I arrived at her house and rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" I heard a girl yell.
The door opened revealing a blonde a little taller than me, about 5'9.
"Hello. I'm guessing you're here for BL." She explained.
"Yeah. She hasn't talked to me in weeks. She only talks to the girls a—"
"And Daniel. I know. He comes over all the time." She sighed, "she's really broken after the whole situation with Jonah and Corbyn. She feels like she lost her best friend and boyfriend at the same time."
"I just wanted to check on her if that's okay." I mumbled looking down at the ground.
"Of course! We can bring you up to her room. Come inside! It's cold out there" her dad butted in and let me in the door.
They showed me to her room. The girl, who I soon found out was named Madelaine, opened the door and froze.
"Dad s-she's cleaning." She stutters.
"Oh god it's this bad?" He worried.
"I'll handle this. Give us a few?" I asked.
They both nodded and walked downstairs, leaving me at the doorframe of Bree's room. I decided to knock on the doorframe to get her attention. Her head darted up. As she made eye contact with me, she slowly slid her headphones off in shock.
"W-what are you doing here?" She stuttered.

Braelynn's POV:
"Bree you weren't talking to anyone. I got worried." Zach looked down as he spoke.
I felt so bad for ignoring everyone in my life other than a select few but I didn't know how to speak to the close friends of Corbyn or Jonah. Corbyn was my best friend and now he's gone. Jonah was my first love and I fucked it up. I felt so lost. So broken.
"I have a lot of explaining to do." I mumbled, walking up to Zach and wrapping him in a tight hug.
We talked for over an hour, me explaining everything to him and what made me push everyone away. He understood, especially when I began to shed some tears, how much it hurt me. Suddenly, there was a knock on my now closed door.
"Come in!"
"Sorry to barge in but would you two like to take a ride?" My dad wondered, walking into my room.
Zach and I exchanged looked and nodded at my dad. He brought us to his car and drove to the corner cafe that him and mom used to go to.
"Your mom and I used to go here all of the time. I remember when she brought you once." He smiled grabbing the photo out of his wallet and showing it to us.
"That was you Bree? Aww you were so cute!" Zach exclaimed.
I giggled and started studying the picture.
"You look just like her Lynnie." My dad breathed out.
I covered my mouth, seeing the similarities, and started to tear up.
"Bree it's okay." Zach whispered, rubbing my back.
"Lynnie don't be sad. It's a good thing. She used to be so outgoing and optimistic. And when you were with Jonah. You acted just like her."
"I don't want to talk about Jonah." I mumbled.
"Jonah who?" My dad asked jokingly.
I rolled my eyes as Zach busted out laughing.
"But really sweetie. You've opened up to the world since you've been with him. Just don't hide that part of yourself." My dad sighed.
"He's right Bree. You were always the quiet girl in class but now you're so outgoing and happy that everyone at at school wishes they were you. Not because you a— were dating Jonah. Because you have a happiness they want." Zach agreed with my dad.
"I think that's enough for tonight. I'll get you home Zach. Honey is Daniel coming over tonight again?" My dad turned his attention back to me.
I nodded and sent a sorry look towards Zach. He smiled back and hugged me, letting me know it was alright.


The doorbell rang and my body started to freeze up.
"BL don't freak out it's just Daniel." Madie assured me.
I nodded and walked over to the door, turning the knob and letting it swung open revealing Daniel.
"How's my bub tonight?"
He send me a warm smile that I tried to fake back. His smile quickly faded as he noticed and led me upstairs.
"What's wrong Bree?" He worried.
"Zach came over and I cleaned and everything was going good until my dad mentioned him. Daniel I miss him and I'll never get that back. I fucked up Daniel. I really fucked up." I sobbed into Daniel's chest as I spoke.
He gripped my shirt and rubbed my back as I held back stuttered breaths.
"I know this is the last thing you want me to say but Bree; you need to talk to him. Nothing else has helped. You're pushing both him and Corbyn farther and farther away. It's not helping anything bub."
This made me cry even harder. He was right. But I didn't want him to be. I cried into his chest until I passed out into a deep sleep. A sleep I never wanted to awake from.

Daniel's POV:
I laid her head back on the pillow and fixed her covers so she would be under them. I knew that if I got up to leave, she would wake up immediately. Bree was completely heartbroken and I didn't know how to fix it other than tell Jonah.

Jo: hello? Daniel it's like 3 in the morning what do you want?

                                                                 Dan: it's about Braelynn. Jonah she's a mess. After that night, everything changed. She cut so many people out of her life for the sole fact that they were close to you because she didn't want them choosing sides. She's so...depressed.

Jo: she can't be. No Daniel I never got to explain to her what happened the last day of that trip. What do I do to make this right?

                                                                Dan: what if you wrote her a song?

Jo: Daniel that is genius! I'll start now. But I need to make things right with Corbyn first. Goodnight bro. Keep her safe.

                                                           Dan: anything for Bree. Night Jonah.

I hung up and laid my head on the bed frame. I hope this worked because I can't stand seeing Braelynn like this. She won't talk to her friends. It's scary and it's progressively getting worse. I don't know what to do or how to fix it. I don't know if I could if I tried.

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