Chapter 3

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Jonah's POV:
Braelynn and I walk into the house; she gawks over the house for mere seconds then walks straight to Daniel. Are they together? Psh why should I care good for Daniel.
"Daniel James Seavey!" I hear her squeak out.
"Yes beautiful?" He walks up to her with a huge grin on his face and grabs her small hands.
My face begins to heat up like I was piping steam. Am I jealous? I shook the thoughts out of me head and walk to the farthest room, Daniels, to let them be alone. Yet I feel myself wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation. Ugh what's wrong with me?

Braelynn's POV:
Daniel explained everything as I just stood there in shock.
"So you're telling me that he's been crushing on me for years and was too pussy so went for Liv?" He nodded at my overview of the situation.
"Well shit." I sighed processing everything, "are you even sure he still feels that way?" Daniel shrugged so I decided to drop the subject.
We kept talking until dinner was almost ready, talking about our childhoods and a bunch of other shit. His mother called out for us to come eat after a while.
"Mrs. Seavey this looks amazing." I smiled up at her.
"Oh sweetie please call me Keri. I'm so glad Anna has some girlfriends. You seem very sweet."
"Thank you Keri. I hope to get to know your son and daughter better over time. They seem like great people to befriend." I grab Daniels shoulder and slightly hug him as I say this.
Jonah's face tenses up as I do this. Weird. Everyone finishes dinner and goes into their rooms. Anna shows me to her room.
"Bitch omg this is great. If my room looked like this I would die!" She giggled and plopped herself on her bed. We started talking for a bit; I looked at the clock — 9:45 it read. I went to tell Anna bye but my phone began to ring.

Jess🤪: Dude where are you? I've been sitting on your porch for the past hour!

BLynn🐝: Shit Jess sorry! There's a key under the mat. Just watch some Netflix in my room and post mates some food. I'm at the Seavey's but I'll leave now! Shit! I don't have a car!

Jess🤪: Yeah why is your fucking car here? Did you Uber?

                                                     BLynn🐝: No Jonah drove me. I know you're smirking. Stop.

Jess🤪: Alright hehe. I'll see you in a bit girl LoVe yOuUuU!!!

She hung up before I could reply.
"Anna I gotta go Jess has been at my house for an hour."
"Alright I'll get Jonah to drive you home unless you want me to ask Daniel?"
"Mmmmm sure."
"Alright I'll go get him." And with that she walked off


Daniel and Anna started driving me home since Jonah was staying at the Seavey house tonight. While on the road, Ashley texted me asking if she could stay at my house tonight because Corbyn had friends over for a project. While texting her back, an idea came to my mind.
"Hey Anna do you know Ashley Besson?" I asked
"Yeah she's in my Chemistry class I love her! Why?"
"Do you want to stay over at my house tonight?"
"Omg yes!! But I don't have any clothes." She frowned.
"Well you can try some of mine and I also have a big sister that left some clothes if you want to use hers. She wouldn't mind." She began squealing and I giggled at her excitement.
Daniel looked at me a mouthed a 'thank you' and I just nodded. We drove for a couple more minutes until we pulled into my driveway. Anna and I took turns hugging Daniel goodbye; I added a kiss on his cheek and a smile before walking into my house.
"Jessica! Ashley! We're homeeee!" I screamed at the top of my lungs knowing my dad was traveling.
"Hey guys I'm Braelynn's friend Anna." She shyly sais as the girls reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Anna Seavey?! Omg hi!" Ashley ran up to her giving her a huge hug.
We all went up to my room, making little forts on the ground and turning a movie on Netflix.
"Here Anna come with me."
She followed me to my sisters bedroom so I could grab her some pajamas. I threw her a pink satin pajama set and walked out of the room to let her change. Ring ring.

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