Darkness Within the Light as Light Within the Darkness

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Vanitas narrowed his eyes as he felt something off. This feeling...He can't be serious! He thought in disbelief that Sora was going to go this far, to use "that" form as a last resort to keep Ven to himself. Sora laughed maniacally as the aura of darkness engulfed him completely. "So, this is how far you've fallen, Sora? Pathetic." He got into his stance. He remembered about Sora's anti-form from what Riku and Kairi told him but they never told him about how to go about a situation like this. Sora growled at him as the darkness devoured whatever rational thought he had left and lunged at Vanitas.

Vanitas dodged, staggering a bit. H-He's gotten faster?! He shook his head as he tried to figure out how he would get out of this unscathed. He parried Sora's next strike but felt himself being pushed back a little- but he held his ground. "HE'S MINE!!" Sora snarled as he attacked his darker-haired copy again and again. His quick claw-like strikes battering against Vanitas' keyblade relentlessly. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!"

Vanitas thought back to when Sora saved a replica body for him when the war was over. How he actually had a change of heart towards the brunette that kept Ven's heart safe for all these years. "He's not yours to have!" Vanitas retorted back as he countered back against Sora and shot a ball of Dark Firaga at him just to keep him at a distance as Sora jumped a few feet back to get away from the wicked fireball. Sora skidded back, almost hitting the railing.

The darker-haired boy wanted to end this quickly, he didn't want Ven to get worried. "After everything that's happened, you're just going to throw it all away?!" Vanitas asked and Sora got on all fours and tilted his head a bit as if he was taking his words into consideration. "What would Riku say if he saw you like this?" Sora blinked at that as a blank expression appeared on his face.

There was stillness for a time. The light wind that blew on the rooftop died out as the twilight sun sunk into nighttime. Then in a silent flash of darkness, Sora was gone from Vanitas' sight. Where did he go?!  Vanitas looked around, the tension he felt was almost unbearable. He couldn't lose Ventus to whatever Sora has become now. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then struck behind at Sora before he had a chance to strike from behind as a surprise attack from his shadow. "You may have used the darkness to give you a slight advantage here, but I was born from it!" He casted Dark Blizzaga freezing all of Sora's body except his head so he wouldn't move. Sora snarled as he tried to move but to no avail from his frozen legs. "D..Don't take..him away..from me!" Sora stammered out in his darkened form. Vanitas just scoffed at that. "Away from you? He was never yours to begin with." Vanitas retorted coldly to his defeated twin as he went back to the rooftop entrance.

As Vanitas got to the door, he feel that sensation again from before. You've got to be kidding me! He thought with annoyance as he looked back and his golden eyes widened in surprise as Sora was giving himself more into the darkness as the dark ice around him started to melt. "I had a feeling it wouldn't be easy with you." He sighed as Sora broke free from the icy prison once it melted enough. Sora shivered slightly from the cold and crouched down on all fours like a cat waiting to strike. Vanitas never felt this much rage before from Sora. The very force of it melted the ice! Hopefully the others can get ahold of Riku before this gets any worse! He got into his stance again. Hopefully this was buying them enough time.

The whistling of the first fireworks signaling the start of the Dream Festival's Night of a Million Dreams fireworks show was heard. Then they clashed again as explosions from the fireworks littered the sky with dazzling lights! Vanitas was getting bombarded with blows as he tried to parry the rapid strikes of this now enraged Sora. With a quick swipe Vanitas' keyblade was knocked out of his had and received a swift blow to the stomach making him double over in pain. Sora proceeded to beat his darker-haired twin over and over, giggling madly in the process. Vanitas, spitting up blood, tried to raise his arms to defend himself but was too slow to block a kick to the face. Vanitas stumbled back and winced in pain as his back hit hard against the railing.

Before he had a chance to call his keyblade, Sora went up to the bloodied faced boy and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up, and dangled Vanitas right over the hotel railing. Sora grinned ear-to-ear in his victory over Vanitas. "VENTUS IS MINE!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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