You signed the contract.

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Dowoon chuckled and turned around to get a bottle of mineral water.

"You asked where have I been this whole month?" he asked in between his drinking.

"I have some business to sort. A year ago, I made an agreement with my parents that I will try my best to pass SNU, but all connections with my parent's company should never be disclosed."

Dowoon walked just to set a chair in front of you.

"I did not know your video literally went everywhere, so my parent's company stocks went a little volatile since then. I literally went on meetings every day. The adults were arguing about how to calm this whole fiasco down, and of course to make sure of my safety."

You nod just to make sure that Dowoon knew you have all ears to listen to his explanation. He continues with crossing his arms and head held up high.

"My dad could just pay the media if it was their doing, but it wasn't. It was an ordinary netizen that exposed me. You probably now wondering how this was such a big problem, yeah?"

"Well, as you know it, there are so many competitors around my dad's corp. Big companies can do dirty things. My dad was often threatened too. The famous saying 'you can never touch your enemy's child' did not apply to my dad."

"This was chaos because I mostly grew up abroad, in America. I just got back to Korea for two years. So, the fact that I am now known to public concerns my whole family."

You felt your heart aching and you did not know how to respond. You could sense he's staring at you, flatly as if he's waiting for your reply. You could feel your cheek heated so you lowered your head in embarrassment.

"I don't know what to say. Nothing could justify any excuse from me."

Dowoon nods several times and gets up to get a paper just to be handed to you.

You look up not getting a hint. Dowoon point the word, "Contract."

You read the whole page carefully. It says for you to keep these facts to never be known to the public. It also says for you to be Dowoon's personal assistant (PA) and Day6's manager.

You widened your eyes, this was unexpected as for how forgiving he was to you. You ruined everything but he rather offers you a job. You looked down again to the contract and re-read the nominal he'd be willing to pay you as his PA and Day6's manager.

"I went through hell to keep Day6 going on. I can never imagine my brothers' disappointment if this accident had caused our band to disband."

You could see his eyes were reflecting distress. He said those words with a low voice. You could sense his true feelings for the members.

You positioned yourself as if it's a job interview. Sit straight up and clear your throat, "Can I ask a couple of questions?"

Dowoon look up in an amused look and nod, "Sure."

"How do you guys meet?"

Dowoon chuckles. "Not the question I am prepared for. Well, we met through a band member club. We came from different major and faculty. But, we can compromise."

"I had known that fact as Day6's casual listener, but how do you guys form the band??"

Dowoon lift his left brows, "I thought you were an introvert, but maybe I was wrong. Um, we kind of shared our vision to each other at one of our practicing days back then. Turns out, they had always been dreaming to form a band since childhood. A real band with contracts for continuity purpose. As it is aligned with my dream, so I came up with the idea."

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