You Bastard

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Ammy's POV

I blinked a few times and furrowed my brows. What kind of nonsense is that? He thought he could fool me but my inner defenses are stronger than the unexpected counterstatement he made just now.

"Don't kid yourself." I said giving him my immense dread look.

"I kid you not." Dowoon smirked. The room might have been dimmed, but his eyes cannot hide the amused look.

"Right. So," He put both of his hands in his leather jacket pockets. "As this problem concerns about me too, I will not hold my peace."

He said while stepping backward, away from your bedside, and turned around after he finished his words.

His back has disappeared behind the bathroom walls but suddenly popped his head out "Oh and Ammy,"

"Don't try to hide things from me."

He winked and next thing I heard was the sound of the door getting closed.

I exhaled the air in my lungs that I have held. Can he be serious at least once? I was literally sobbing my heart out then the next couple of seconds he'd be throwing jokes like it was nothing. I hate that kind of jerks who put girl's heart at stake for their amusement. Why was my heart throbbed earlier for someone like him? He must be like one of those famous sayings "jerk that gets all the girls".

I decided to go back to sleep but I knew the fact that tonight will be long and last endlessly because my thought keeps wandering to his "confession". Why oh why I played the scene over and over again in my mind? When I tried to close my eyes the picture of him speaking "falling for you" repeats itself.

I cleared off my mind by closing my eyes hard. I tried to keep my mind busy with other things and suddenly the thought of my mom occurred. I missed her but I don't know if I can come home tomorrow with this condition. I don't want my mom or aunty to worry about me.

I closed my eyes with the thought of coming home tomorrow then I dozed off to mainland dream.



Dowoon's POV

I stepped outside of Ammy's ward and found my bodyguards were having a chat with the securities. I blinked a few times when then one of the securities approached me saying sorry for earlier. I quickly bowed deep and counter him that it was my fault that I came here outside visiting hours.

After that, we went inside the lift and I quickly ask my bodyguards.

"What did you say to them?"

One of them, James, answered "Nothing but the truth, sir. That you are YoonQ Group's heir. They immediately remembered your mother as one of the most influential shareholders here."

I nodded. I forgot that my mother has deep connections with the hospital as she tried to help many of them with poor financial to keep operating, so they can give the community a more affordable fee. My mom had told me that she had a miscarriage and I was supposed to have a brother. They cannot forget how upset they were when they should bury their unborn child.

"I don't support abusing power on others, but I guess it can't be helped. Thank you for covering me."

"Our pleasure, sir."

"Your headquarters operate 24/7, yeah?"

"That's right, sir."

"Connect them to me tonight, I have things to sort."



It's Sunday and Mia is having a morning run while having both ears plugged with her Bluetooth earphones. She completely shut all sound from the environment around her. So, Dowoon can't help but walk faster following her pace. It's when Dowoon loathed the idea of doing that for any more minute then he pulled Mia's arm with much force.

She gasped and was ready to slap him when he avoided it because of his true nature of having a good flex, thanks to his drumming.

"Oh my goodness, Dowoon! Hi!"

"Can I talk with you in private?"

She tilted her head, pucker her lips. "I can't. I'm on my running routine. How about after this we go to our apartment?"

Dowoon's right corner lip raised. "I'm all for it but I got errands to sort. How about in my car now?"


Then, Dowoon led Mia to his car. His bodyguards readily open the door for Mia and Dowoon.

After they took a seat inside, Dowoon did not want to waste any more time, so he tossed an A4 sized envelope he got from his bag to Mia's lap. She turned to him looking confused but Dowoon's snort was his only response.

"Try to act more naturally next time. No dog would even believe you."


Dowoon changed his position so that now he sits face-to-face with Mia, looking at her with intimidation.

"I got options for you to choose. Easy way or the hard way?"

"She had told you, didn't she?"

"Easy way means you will apologize to Ammy and her family, earn their mercy, and devote your life to Ammy for the rest of your life. The hard way means you must plead guilty in front of the judge, our rector, and the dean the time I sent them that documents." Dowoon completely ignored Mia's question and went with it.

Mia opened the envelope that contains Mia's receipt in buying Rohypnol a strong illegal drug in South Korea that often used as a "date rape", then receipt of Mia's reaching out to hire two man to drugged Ammy, and finally the hired men testimonials and interview transcripts narrating about what happened in detail when the incident took place.

"Must you do this? I love you so much, Dowoon! Please accept my compassion!" She said while trying to reach out for Dowoon's arm.

Dowoon furrowed his brows. Mia must have lost her mind to still ask for his love when actually the longer he sits beside her the greater he tried to hold down his anger.

"Why you go chase after someone like Ammy, when you can have someone like me?"

Dowoon inhaled deeply and tilt his head with both eyes closed. "I cannot reciprocate your feelings towards me as I have despised every cell of you and you have no idea how disgusted I am being in the same car as you are right now."

"Now, get out. I will proceed with legal action against you. Do not try to escape. I will haunt you until you ask for my forgiveness."

Dowoon emphasized the last sentence with the exact same word by word as Mia did to Ammy. 

"You bastard!"

Mia got out of the car, shutting the car door with way more power than sufficiently needed.





Short and simple chapter as I got a spare time to make this. Please bear with my broken English and repetitive use of words. I like writing in English tho, as it increases my vocabulary while trying to search for synonyms and idioms. You should try too and I will read it!

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