The Last Time

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Annabeth's POV

We didn't have plan. WE DIDNT HAVE A PLAN. That's all that was going through my mind the Gods were busy with other things. WE DID NOT HAVE BACKUP EITHER. What were we supposed to do, the monsters came so suddenly. One by one we fell. The monsters didn't seen to die. I can barely remember any of what happened. It was all so chaotic. Then we saw her, we saw Gaea. She was uglier than Charybdis. All she was was a giant swirling whirlpool of mud in the center of the army. She looked like a sewage system with mold and mildew and plant roots. Not only did she look like sewage but she smelled like it too. The whirlpool of poo was sucking in everything within a hundred foot radius not including her own army. Suddenly cries filled the air. Not battle cries, the cries of dying Demi-gods. Half of our already small group was gone. We didn't have time to notice who they were, we just heard them. Gaea stopped and "faced" the seven of us. Then she began to spin again. "Charge!!" Percy cried, but none of us did. How were we supposed to defeat her??" Then Jason grabbed Leo and flew toward the center of the whirlpool. Suddenly balls of fire ran down and lit the pieces of plant roots and wood rotating around the center of her. For some reason it seemed to slow her down slightly, then Percy drew a wave of water from the nearby river and drowned her in moist mud. Then Jason drew lightning and electrocuted Gaea. She stopped moving altogether. At first silence, then we started cheering. It was all too soon. She started up again but this time someone came out of the center. It was no doubt Gaea but she wasn't as ugly as I thought. She was quite gorgeous actually, she had long curly hair the color of moss and wore a flowing brown dress. She had a green aura around her. Of course her eyes were closed but she had a major sense of where we were and shot down Reyna. Hurriedly Piper rushed to her aid. Then she turned to Leo, Percy, and Jason who were side by side. Jason was hit by a chunk of a mountain that came outta no where and that left Percy and Leo. Immediately we knew what was gonna happened. Then my vision became cloudy. I remember seeing both of those heroes rushing to Gaea and fighting with all their might. Within the middle of the battle Percy fell to his knees, he was hit and I knew it. "PERCY!!!" I remember screaming and running over to him.


"Percy...please you can't leave me."

"I'm sorry wise girl, it's not my choice."

"Please, please Percy please."

"I love you wise girl."

"I love you too Seaweed Brain."

And with that, he was gone. My heart wanted to stay there forever mourning him. But my mind knew I had to get back to battle mode. I brought my eyes back to where Leo was. He was struggling and I could tell. I wanted to help him but we couldn't get pass Gaea's mud pool. At that point we could all guess Leo wasn't gonna make it.

Leo's POV

Percy was gone. Jason was unconscious hit by yet another brick. I'm the only one that matches the prophecy. I knew I wasn't gonna make it. But I had to try. I needed to get back to my Calypso. I stopped throwing fire and fighting at all. Then I headed toward Gaea. "Yo dirt lady!" I called out. Slightly confused with what I was doing she stopped too. Catching her off guard I pushed her into her chasm. I didn't have much choice but to leap in also as my hand was stuck in her gunk.A ledge on the side of the chasm stopped my fall and I jerked my hand free. 'I looked up to see the chasm was closing. It was almost all closed before it stopped with enough opened to fit someone through. I could get back out right now, I could not die. That wasn't gonna happen though. I knew what I had to do in order for Gaea to stay in. I called out for Frank and Hazel. "Leo?!" Hazel cried out.

"I'm right here."

They ran to me. "Come on we'll help you outta there."

"No. I'm not coming out. This is the prophecy this is my fate. I must accept it."

Frank and Hazel stared at me grimly.

"Maybe...maybe you don't have to die this way." Frank spoke up.

"I'm sorry. This is it. You're gonna need you life stick again Frank."

"WHAT? You mean I'm gonna die too?!"

"No. Just trust me on this okay buddy?"

He heaved a long sigh agreed to it. I took his stick out of the fireproof bag and told him to light the ground to kind of melt the soil. I would also do so on the inside. His life stick would permanently seal the hole as my fire would close it. Hazel watched us with tears streaming down her face.

"Goodbye Hazel. Goodbye Frank. I love you guys. Tell the rest I said bye. Goodbye..."

And with that the last of the crack was closed off. I leaped down from the ledge and into the chasm using my last breath, knowing there was no air where I was, to say, "I'm sorry Calypso." My eyes closed and the world faded. I, Leo Valdez, Supreme Commander of the Argo II, affectionately known as repair boy and Mchzhizzle man, am dead.

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