Chapter 5

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There standing infront of me was a smiling black girl. She had glasses on and her big afro which looked so pretty that I was jealous. She looked to be about taller than me and she was wearing the school uniform. It was a black skirt, black tights, a white shirt and a maroon blazer. I liked it. She smiled then said, "Hi, nice to meet you".

"Hey, nice to meet you too", I replied with a small smile and simple wave. Ms Williams turned to me and said,"Well Eliana, Aubree is going to be your roommate and she's also going to show you around the other side of the school that I didn't show you." I nodded and replied, "Okay thank you". I then said bye to Ms Williams and followed Aubree out her office. We passed through the big black gate which is apparently called the portal, it's so cliche. We started having small talk on our way to the domitories. I have never had close friends before and she seems nice so maybe I'll become friends with her. I also found out that she was 16 like me and she was a mage which is a person who has magical abilities like a witch but not exactly a witch. I was surprised because I've never met one. What am I thinking? I have never even met any mythical creature. However I think having magical abilities is so cool. I have been reading the book my mum left for me about faes and found out that we also have magical abilities so I'm happy about that.

Anyway, as we were walking to the dormitory I passed by a lot of other students and they were all staring at me. I really don't like having all attention on me so I feel really uncomfortable. Aubree tells me not to worry because they were just staring since I'm the new student. That didn't make me feel any better and suddenly I couldn't wait to get to the dormitory already. We then entered a somewhat large building, climbed up some stairs until we stood infront of a door that said "No.24". Aubree told me that it was our room number.

*Photo of the room above*

When I entered the room, all I could say was "wow". I have never shared a room before since I'm an only child but this looked so cool. I loved the colours and the room was so spacious which I'm not surprised about since the whole school was huge. As I was looking around in awe, I noticed there were three beds instead of two. This confused me because I thought Aubree was my only roommate. I looked at her confused and asked, "Who's the other roommate?"

She replied, "Oh that's Fariha, she's in lesson right now so you'll meet her later during the day."

I smiled and said, "Okay, cool." I was glad that I had roommates because I want to make friends this time since I have no clue about what's going on and having roommates makes that a bit easier.

My suitcases had already been brought up to room so I chose the vacant bed at the far end of the room and started unpacking my stuff. Aubree offered to help which I politely declined saying I can manage doing it on my own. However, she insisted so we ended up unpacking everything together.

One hour later we were finished unpacking and it was around 1pm. Aubree told me that it was time for lunch so we decided to go to the lunch hall and meet the rest of her friends. I'm really nervous since I am not exactly a social person but I'm willing to try, it's the only way I would survive in a place I know nothing about. Therefore, we both left our room a headed to the lunch hall.

*Finally updated after ages sorry for my disappearance. Enjoy!*

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