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Spongebecca:ok so ,no dares but I'll give you guys some while I wait
Poppy:ok so what is your dare for us 
Spongebecca:uhhhhhhhh............. ok I dare branch to make you and him a dinner
Poppy:oh so like a friendly dinner ,not like a date
Spongebecca:uuuhhhh yes
Branch walks in
Branch:ok what's the dare
Spongebecca:I gave you a dare to make you and poppy dinner
Branch*blushing* wait like a date
Branch :oh thank goodness
Poppy :ok I'll go get ready
Then poppy leaves
Spongebecca:no actually it's a date
Branch :what!!!!!!!
Spongebecca:I made the date that you know it's a date but she doesn't know
Branch*blushing a lot * really ?
Spongebecca :yes
Branch : fine I'll start the dinner
Time skips to the dinner and poppy is wearing a dress  and they are in branch's bunker
Poppy : OMG branch this is sooooo gooooooood
Branch :really
Poppy :give me all the recipes
Branch :uuuhhh calm down I'll give you a copy soon
Branch:no problem ,in his mind. I know she doesn't know it's not a date ,but it feels like one. I wish I had the confidence to tell her how I feel ,but silly me is too scared cause I know she likes creek ,so I hope oneday I'll tell her how I feel but that's not today .
Spongebecca: their cute !!!!!ok so please leave an ask dare down below thanks bye

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