more Dares

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Spongebecca : hey everyone we got dares!!!!! 
Poppy :yay!!!!!!
Branch :eh
Guy :can I read the dares
Guy :thanks,ok so KingDiscordChaos Dares you to treat poppy like a baby
Branch :(blushing)  uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh................
Poppy :ok (blushing) gogo Gaga  (giggles)
Dj : here is baby food
Branch : fine (grabs the baby food and the spoon)open up poppy, comeon open (in baby voice
Poppy :(opens her mouth and eats it ) branch continues this until it's all gone)
Poppy :ok what's the next dare
Dj:the next dare is from Poppsy_and_Brunch dared branch to be nice to creek for 5 chapters
Branch  wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poppy:branch, it's not that bad
Spongebecca:as much as I hate this we have too
Guy :I'll get creek
Guy comes back with creek
Creek :why hello who are you
Spongebecca:I'll make Spongebecca.... I hate you
Poppy :hate is a little strong
Branch :let's get this over with
Creek :oh hi branch
Branch :hi creek (in a angry tone)
Creek:how are you
Branch : I'm well how about you (still angry tone)
Creek :fabulous , hey poppy
Poppy :hey creek (blushing)
Remember poppy is dating creek this is broppy
Spongebecca:ok this will be continued for the next four chapters, and I hate this but creek you can be in those chapters
Creek :oh why thank you,may I do the honors
Spongebecca and branch:(look at him with a death glare )sure(angry tone)
Creek:ok leave a comment or ask or dare down below
Guy ( whispers)please more broppy
Creek and poppy :what
Guy :nothing

 ask dare broppyWhere stories live. Discover now