One dare

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 Spongebecca :hey guys 

guy :where were you

Spongebecca:  sorta busy but im back sadly we have one dare

poppy :aw man 

Spongebecca: sorry poppy speaking of which this is dare is for you 

poppy : yes what is it 

greeny : so @swindleralexanderc dare us to force you to get trapped in a wobbly ball  full of jello

poppy : oh ok... wait what 

Spongebecca: sorry poppy

me and greeny put poppy in a wobbly ball and filledd it with jello  poppy kept trying to get out after a few minuets she started to eat her way out  sometimes she had to stop cause she was getting too full  poppy eventually got herself out after 3 hours

poppy : wow im so full I cant eat another bite 

Spongebecca : anyways make sure you leave a comment ask or dare down below

guy: make sure to give me a dare and some broppy one 

Spongebecca: guy stop...... but yes broppy please

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