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"NO!" The word rings through the house followed by a thud. Jin looks up and runs to the noise. He enters the opposite room of his and widens his eyes at the sight. Jimin has Steve in his hands and the window open the cat dangling out of it. "Jimin..." Jin says worriedly. Jimin looks back with an angry expression on his face "He ripped my favorite blanket!" Jin shakes his head and takes the cat from Jimin's hands. Steve instantly clings to Jin meowing in his ear. Jimin crosses his arms and storms out of the room. He walks to the living room and sits on the couch fixing his dark black hair and pouting.


Jungkook runs from his room "Dad! I'm not tired!" he screamed through the house getting a groan from each person. Namjoon picks the boy up causing him to giggle. "Jungkook, you are going to bed no matter what" Jungkook whines hugging him "I want to stay up like hyung~" Namjoon looks at him confused "Which one..." Jungkook pouts "Hobi hyung" Namjoon scoffs "I bet he plays video games all night" Jungkook nods "I want to play with him" Namjoon shakes his head. "No, Hoseok isn't staying up tonight anyway." Jungkook pouts "Fine" Namjoon smiles and takes him back to his bed laying him down with care. Jin and Yoongi watch him put Jungkook in bed and chuckle. "Jungkook we are going to bed to be big, strong boys." Jin says in a persuading voice. Jungkook's eyes widen "Really?!" Jin and Yoongi nod. Jungkook gets under his covers quickly "I want to be big and strong too!" he says closing his eyes. Namjoon sighs looking over at them and mouthing thank you. Jin replying with a nod and Yoongi replying with a snore. Namjoon shakes his head walking out closing the door behind him.


Namjoon looks into the room making sure everyone is asleep and goes to the living room muttering to himself. "Can't believe that he gets up at night to play video games." he looks at the system and the game inside the system. "Fortnite?" he asks himself confused on what it is. He shrugs and picks up the controller sitting on the couch turning on the system and putting on the headphones on so he doesn't wake the house. The screen turns onto the bright Fortnite screen and Namjoon watches in confusion. As soon as it loads up a player joins his on the screen. Namjoon tilts his head slightly as they second player does an emote "hello?" A female voice says through the headset. Namjoon scrunches his nose and replys "hello..." a laugh comes from the other end "hoseok you sound so much more mature" Namjoon shakes his head "I'm sorry miss I'm his father" she gasps and laughs "okay well does his father have a name?" Namjoon chuckles "well yes" she laughs "well what is it?" Namjoon puts the controller down and sits back "well, it's kim Namjoon...what about you?" She is silent for a moment "Kim Namjoon? Did you go to Seoul school of modern arts?" She asked curiously. Namjoon slightly tilts his head "uh...yeah?" The woman squeals "oh my gosh Namjoon, it's me Jisoo from your dance class!" Namjoon practically chokes hearing the name "J-Jisoo?"

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