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Ladybug 1-Bridgette Cheng, Marinette's older cousin
Powers- Lucky Charm, power of good luck

Chat Malchanceux/Chat Nuit- Felix Agreste, Adrien's older brother
Powers- Cataclysm, power of bad luck, palpable dark miasma

Melody- Allegra Bourgeois, Chloe's older cousin
Powers- Flex: She can contort her body in millions of different ways, Flute: She can team up with Gavroche to make a super powerful Siren's song, or can just control one person. Beam: Can create balls of light she can shoot from her flute.

Gavroche- Lucas Lahiffe, Nino's older half-brother
Powers- Shell: His shell can be both an impenetrable shield or a speaker. He can do just a high pitched sound or power up with Melody. He can also throw his shell like a disk.

Sparrow- Robin Fabron, older brother(by 3 months) to Kid Mime, works as a waiter at the cafe Bridgette's parents own. lived in America.
Powers- Darts: He can shoot darts with perfect accuracy, as well as fly. More of a spy and vigilante than a team member.

Kid Mime- Claude Fabron, younger brother to Sparrow by 3 months
Powers- Mime: He can use anything he mimes, and he can see invisible things. Things that aren't there. His mimed objects shatter when he speaks.

Mercury- Elias Césaire, Alya's older brother
Powers: Speed: He can run super fast, and also harness and control electricity. He likes to be the brains behind the operations.

Ladybug 2-Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Chat Noir/Chat Jour-Adrien Agreste

Rena Rouge- Alya Césaire

Carapace- Nino Lahiffe

Queen Bee- Chloe Bourgeois

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