Lunch Shenanigans

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The room was icily cold, like their fathers personality. The two boys came in silently, Adrien with a politely bowed head and Felix with his normal upturned nose and sour expression.

Nathalie closed the door gently behind the boys, it still echoing despite her softness.

The two boys stood at their Father's desk, staring at the turned away chair. Felix spoke first. His tone was careful but still harsh.

"Father? You wished to see us?"

The chair turned, revealing none other than Gabriel Agreste himself. He watched his children like a collector would their items. "What were you doing last afternoon Felix?"

Felix's hand muscles tensed. "I was helping fellow classmates with a school-assigned project. I came home before the sun fell."

"Acceptable. Adrien, you did not attend your lessons yesterday."

Adrien's back straightened, like he was hit with an electric shock. "I felt ill. Professor dismissed me for the day."

"You don't look very ill." Gabriel commented dryly.

"It went away when I went to sleep. Guess it was a one-time thing." He rubbed the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. Felix looked over at his brother, hiding a scolding expression. Only his eyes expressed his true thoughts. Gabriel tapped his finger on the desk, and both boys turned their gaze right back to him.

"Ill excuse that for today. You both have a 6 hour modeling session tomorrow. Don't dawdle. That's all. You may leave now."

Adrien bowed his head in a quick nod. "Thank you Father."

Felix said nothing and left without a word. He slammed the door behind him with an irritated huff as soon as Adrien exited.


"Let's go somewhere Adrien. I can't stand being in here. Go fetch Claude, will you?" Felix avoided looked at his brother. He stared at the large glass window facing the stairs. The sky looked so freeing.

Adrien broke into a wide smile and ran up the stairs, nearly tripping as he ran to Felix's room. Felix smiled. He was alone after all.

"You're risking taking out the kid? Your luck could kill him." Plagg scolded mentally.

"It's worth it. He never goes out for fun anymore. Plus, if my luck wanted to kill him, there's plenty of ways to do it here."

"Fine. Don't blame me if he gets hurt."

Adrien ran out of Felix's room, dragging Claude behind him. He was beaming. Claude looked like the epitome of confused. Felix tightened his time and opened the front door. Nathalie was nowhere to be seen.

Felix ushered the group outside and closed the door. "We have approximately 2 hours before my father starts suspecting we're not working. Adrien, what do you want to do?"

Adrien thought long and hard. Finally, he looked Felix in the eyes. "Can we go eat lunch with your friends?"

Claude laughed. "Too bad Felix is too-"

Felix shot him a deathly glare. Claude ignored him. "-nice to say no! I'll go call the gang."

Felix felt like banging his head against the wall. Adrien was practically jumping. Claude whipped out his phone and texted the group. "Cool! Allegra said she and Bridgette will reserve us a table at the restaurant in the Mayor's hotel."

Adrien hugged Claude. "Thanks! I love you Claude!" Felix and Claude shared a look. Felix cleared his throat.

"Let's be on our way then. We can stop somewhere fun on the way as well." The trio walked away from the home.


"Hi guys! I brought Lucas and Elias!" Bridgette waved at the boys as they entered the restaurant. Adrien was already a mess. Felix tried not to strangle Claude for inviting Bridgette.

Lucas tipped his green hat in greeting. "Hey dudes. Woah, Felix, is that kid your brother?"

Immediately everyone crowded around Adrien, and subsequently Felix. Felix stiffened, surrounded by so many people. It was disgusting. His classmates talked over each other, trying to ask Adrien everything they could.

Adrien seemed perfectly fine with being surrounded, like it didn't bother him at all. Felix wriggled his way out of the crowd and went to sit at their table, watching his comrades slowly diffuse back to their seats.

Adrien sat between Felix and Allegra, beaming. Allegra smiled. "Adrien, you're friends with my little sister, right?"

Adrien thought for a moment. "Chloe? She's really fun. She looks a lot like you, but she's a lot smaller. And she doesn't wear purple like you."

Allegra laughed and stabbed her starter salad with a fork. "Chloe definitely takes after mom. I'm the outcast in my family, if I want to say it out loud. But I'm glad Chloe and you get along so well."

Lucas took a swig of water. "My lil bro is about your age too. But I don't think you've ever met him. All he does is play jump rope all day in the school club."

"My sisters just play with each other. As the only boy in the family, it's sometimes hard to get out of the house." Elias commented.

"Adrien's perfectly happy as is. I just decided to take him out for lunch today. And then Claude decided to invite all of you." Felix groused.

"Admit it Sourpuss. You don't hate us." Claude teased. Felix huffed.

"Hate is quite a mild word compared to how I feel around you all."

Bridgette laughed. It sounded like tinkling bells, but the annoying type. "Felix, stop being so silly." For whatever reason, she seemed not to be spasming as much today. Maybe it was Adrien?

They continued their chatter, and the minutes slipped by. Adrien looked like he was having a ball. Felix felt satisfaction, even though he wouldn't dare show it. He finished his dark chocolate mousse and wiped the corners of his mouth delicately.

"Well, Adrien and I must be going. Farewell." He stood and placed 50 Euros on the table. Adrien got up and waved goodbye as the two brothers left the restaurant.

Felix felt at peace. Maybe Fridays weren't too bad.

That was his thought until he tripped on the sidewalk and fell onto a muddy puddle. Nope, Fridays were still worth loathing.

Adrien laughed and smiled brighter than the sun. Felix laughed a bit too, just out of pure shock, he'd assure you.

Maybe he only hated Fridays a little bit.

Just maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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