Chapter 1: Abduction

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((For those who aren't aware of the Earthbound/Mother series. The main character of this story is Ninten, the main protagonist from the first game(Mother 1/ Earthbound Zero) note this story contains no ties to the games in any way. Please enjoy.))

The skies connected as the night went on, a foul stench from the past fills the air as the wind blew softly by the trees. A lone man walked on the side walk minding his own business, until he got the feeling that something was following. Suddenly, a black silhouette appeared, the man let out a scream of terror upon seeing the sight of the mysterious being. His cries soon became silent as a light ring sound was heard from their location.

2 days later, a report was shown on local news networks and newspapers about people disappearing like crazy. I adjusted my red cap as I read the article on these stories. This felt all too weird to be a coincidence, in fact this probably wasn't the case but I didn't quite know for sure. Logically, there would be some sort of investigation going on to figure out what had happened to these people, but even authorities weren't clear about who could have done these deeds. Merely, I decided to ignore this, because the police would have to eventually look into deeper into this situation, it can't be ignored for much longer since already 8 people have gone missing within 48 hours. The day seemed to drift slower than usual, my household chores kept me busy most of the day, but I also concentrated on my homework for Economics class.

The next day, a news update came on the TV saying that another 4 people went missing. I thought that it was up to me, since the police weren't doing much. I put on a fresh clean pair of jeans, a red,blue and white striped shirt along with my red cap. Fortunately, I had remembered to take the aluminum baseball bat that I got from Marysville, when I went on my first adventure 4 years ago. The next moment, I remembered to lock the door before I left the house. First, the thoughts that came into mind as this was happening ranged from "Why does this feel familiar?" to "I think, I know who did this. But I am having a tough time, figuring out who it could be." In spite of this, I felt a strange familiar feelings as I walked around my neighborhood, though it could have been me or something else. After traveling a mile or so, I stumbled across someone, who claimed to have seen suspicious activity going on near the train tracks in Marysville. Like lighting, I sped towards the nearby towards where the tracks lie, I caught sight of the foe. It was a Blue Starman and it froze someone in place. Swiftly, my baseball bat swung fiercely into the enemy, the Blue Starman took major damage as it was slit in half becoming unable to function. Luckily, I had healing PSI in order to unleash this person from the evil robotic being's wrong doing.

It turns out, the guy I saved had some information about the disappearances of the several people from the news reports. According to him, the Starmen are coming back to abduct humans in order to do experiments on them. But this was only part of their plan, they are also set on colonizing Earth in order to become part of a league of extraterrestrial beings of all the universe, however they weren't like the Starmen. To explain, the Starmen are basically elitist evil robotic beings who once served Giegue(now Giygas), sadly their leader is no longer living, however this doesn't stop them from continuing their main objective of becoming dominant machines.

((this isn't my first fan fic, but it is one of my better planned ones. ))

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