Chapter 7: Looking more

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-Ana's POV-

I looked around the town, only to come towards nothing. Something told me, that further explanation would be more clear, if I met Ninten. Thankfully, my heart believed that I would once be able to figure out the other parts of this situation. I truly missed him deeply, since it has been awhile the last time, we hung out. Sadly, I couldn't travel to Spookane due to the construction of the tracks, so I had no choice but to continue to investigate around my own town for the mean time.

-Ninten's POV-

I had finally found a great place to satisfy my hunger. Quickly, I ordered a lot of food, because my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Honestly, after I ate the huge meal, I felt so much better. After a while, I soon returned to the library to continue to pass the time at least for another few hours. But this was cut short to only 2 hours, an on the sight problem caught my eye. It seems that a group of people were seen doing suspicious things, something made me get a bad vibe from these guys. In spite of this, I decided to look deeper into the case, I soon figured out that one guy on the news was involved with this group. Weird...

-Loid's POV-

I arrived to the town of Reindeer, after walking towards the town. I noticed a green haired looking demon, this creeped me out. Of course, I hid behind some bushes as I spied on the demon, however it seemed all too strange to catch a glimpse of this mysterious being.

-Yosafire's POV-

I continued to travel around the town, but I got the feeling, that someone was spying on me. Though, I couldn't see nobody behind me or on either side, the presence of another felt nearby me. Hopefully, I wasn't having hallucinations of any kind. I guess maybe paranoia was on my mind, but my mind grew more curious as time passed.

((Sorry for putting this out so late, I couldn't get any time today to post a part, until like early Saturday morning. like 1:16 A.M. xD I should be asleep right now xD ))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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