Chapter 2

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As soon as she exited the building, she was splashed by heavy rain, and whipped on her face by strong wind. She slumped her shoulder as she knew that tonight would not be an easy night for her because of the weather. She casted Impervius on herself to prevent herself more drench, then a hot-air charm to dry herself and make her clothes warm. She walked to Hyde Park while casting Lumos, and lighting her fingertip. If it was not for the dark and the rainy night, there would be people wondered around and noticed that she was the only one that not affected by the heavy rain. As she crossed the road, she caught a glimpse of movement at her right side. A woman was running, might be on her way to find herself a shelter from the rain, she thought. She continued her walked, but then she stopped.
She stopped, and all of sudden she ran toward the direction where the woman disappeared as she figured out after few seconds that the woman was being chased by a wolf. She thought it was a dog at first, but a dog couldn’t be that fast, could it? Or couldn’t be that big? So she ran, being chivalrous she was, she ran as fast as she could after the woman by following the trailed left by the wolf. The wolf was so fast that, she lost them. She stopped in the middle of the street as she tried to determine where the wolf ran to. She heard a faint sound somewhere in her left side and followed the sound. As it getting louder, she quickened her pace and found herself in a dead end alley.
She pointed her lighted fingertips towards the shadow, and gasped in horror as she saw such gruesomeness sight. She was too late. The wolf hovering over the woman, which was now shredded half-naked body pooled with blood. She could see soulless eyes bored into her brown eyes as the wolf feasting on it prey. She felt anger soaked over her body, and she saw red. Her breathe labored, and she unconsciously cast Flipendo toward the wolf. The wolf was unceremoniously thrown to the wall. The wolf created a deafening roar as it found someone disturbed it supper.
She was horrified as the said wolf stood tall. The wolf was standing! The wolf couldn’t stand on two legs, she was hundred percent sure because that was what she read from book. But this wolf could stand, and very tall as well. This was impossible unless…
“Well well well. What we’ve got here? A very very naughty little girl wonders around in the middle of the night, yes?” Deep voice was coming out from the wolf.
Bloody animal could speak.
“Say something. I do prefer it if you are talking, but….” He stopped as he licked his sharp canines. “…I do prefer it more if you are screaming.” He chuckled.
That confirmed it. Of course, this was a werewolf. Why would a wolf stray in the middle of city, trying to get shot or sort? Instead of answering, she casted Flipendo on him, again. But this time, he didn’t even budge from his spot. She could feel how agitated she was by his strength. If it not because of the critical situation, she would have pat her back internally as to reward herself for being able to cast such spells for the first time, on magical creature nonetheless.
“Feisty little one. Bet you taste good.” He scratched the spot where she hit him, as to imply that the spell was mere a mosquito bite on him. He twirled his wand, but she knew that, that was his defensive stand.
She sickened by the insinuation behind his words, as she put two and two together by the half-naked bloodied body. That made her angrier. She turned her sight toward him as he started to approach her.
“Expelliarmus.” She pointed her hand toward her target, and successful knocked out the wand from his grip.
“You bitch!” He didn’t notice the young girl casted her spells without her wand. Either because he was too focus on how to devour the girl later or because he was too angry as the girl successfully hurt his pride by getting rid of his wand.
She could feel her adrenaline rushed to her brain as she saw the wolf started to run toward her, and she actually expecting it in a full speed. Spell, spell, spell. She needed a spell…Aresto momentum. In a blink of eyes, everything seems to slow down, moving in a slow motion. For the first time, she noticed the dreadful grey eyes, illuminating around dark blue pupils as she found out that it shape liked a full moon, suited him as a child of the moon. Child, she scorned, as this monster in front of her was far from innocent like a child, tainted by malice but mostly by sinful blood. For the first time, she found out that he was no longer in his wolf form. For the first time she actually saw him very clearly. He reminded her about the dead woman as she saw his face covered with blood. And she felt the need to revenge.
“Bombarda maxima.” The impact was so hard as she saw him collided severely with the wall.
Sickening broken bones could be heard behind dusty broken bricks, and she knew she hurt him really bad. Roar from his coarse voice sent chill to her body. She prepared herself for the next attack, but she was too slow for him. Before she could properly stand after the explosion, she found herself being shoved to the hard wet ground.
“Enough with the game.” She could see his hungry eyes above her. This position reminded her one of her darkest memories. Her eyes bulged as she could feel he pushed his knee in between her thigh. Instead of the wolf, she found herself staring at that bastard from one of her foster home. She hated him so much, his sweet talks disguised under an image of a good parent disgusted her so much. So much that she wanted to hurt him badly. Hurt him. Torture him. Hurt him. Torture him. Torture him.
Crucio, crucio, crucio, crucio, crucio!
“Get off of me!” She screamed and tried to push the body above her away from her. But then her hand only hit an empty air. She stood hastily, and saw that the wolf writhed painfully on the ground, his body, his nose, eyes and his ears gushed with blood. She could see his body full of holes as if being stabbed with knifes. Oh…
“Crucio!” She yelled, and she could feel herself satisfied by the raw scream that emanated from the wolf. The wolf looked at her in the eyes, as to plead her to stop the pain. She felt powerful, for the first in her life.
“Me too.” She said while acknowledge that the rain had finally stopped. “Prefer it more if you are screaming.” She could see his eyes wide open, flooded with terror. “But, I had enough with this game as well.”
She pointed her right hand to him, and in her most cold voice….
“Avada Kedavra.”
Green light radiated from her fingertip, at the same time lightened the dark alley. Despite her horror in willing to cast the killing curse, the woman dead body diminished her mercy toward the living. Never had she imagined herself in a position of killing someone. But at the moment she couldn’t stop herself. She saw her curse flying toward the wolf. However, before it even reached its target, it was deflected toward the nearby brick debris.
“You are far too young to kill a person.” A powerful, yet calm voice was heard next to her. She was startled when she saw an old man with his blue robes appeared besides her. Before she could question who was he, the old man grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the screaming wolf.
“Let’s go before someone else interferes.”
She felt panic, and tried to escape from the grip. Suddenly, few pops were heard. Three peoples appeared at the alley, and she could distinctively guess one with the pink hair was a woman. A man with a messy brown hair, she noticed few scars on his face as he approached the old man and whispered something to him, then left toward the still screaming wolf but before he looked at her with unreadable expression.
What strong will that cause such a powerful Crucio?
Who are you, girl?

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