Chapter 4

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She stared at the ceiling, contemplating the sturdy built, which painted with shimmered light blue coat, a color that represent her house. In spite of her excitement over her school year at Hogwarts, there was something she hated about it, among few other reasons. The weather, Merlin Beard! (a phrase she had learnt from her new housemates), was total freezing. Luckily, the headmistress already warned her to purchase extra thick clothes. She was sorted into Ravenclaw house, much to her pleasure as they were known to be filled with smart and intelligent students whose appreciate knowledge, just like her. Due to her very advance knowledge in magic, regardless her lack of exposure in wizarding world, the headmaster, as well as the headmistress decided to place her in seventh year (even though she was younger). Apparently, seventh year student will be given their own room, and grateful she was jumped toward Minerva and hugged the woman despite the tense evoked by Greyback issue, previously. Maybe because of the ceiling decorated with light blue paint that much resemble the wide sky, that gave her the peace feeling (reminded her of the view from where she laid on her tree), that she much calmer from her anxiousness as the new student.
It appeared that when she first arrived that day, she was three days earlier from when all the students will be back to Hogwarts. She honestly relieved that she would not arrived in the middle of the lessons, as she surely could imagine how awkward that would be, became the spotlight as a perks being a transfer student. She hated it. According to her head house, Professer Flitwick (which she found cute), this year will going to be interesting as a big event will be held at Hogwarts. But he was being tight lipped even with his being all giddy about it, and left her hanging on her curiosity. But what shocking her most about Hogwarts was the library. No, it was not about how much bigger the library was compared to De’ Teleios, or how enormous the source of text books in there, and it was not about the moving stairs that attached to the book shelves, nor about the flying books. She was having a heart attack when she recognized the dour woman behind the counter. Covered in her black robes, and her feathers hat, Madam Pince stared at her as she was one of those students that came to library just to stick their bubblegum under any surfaces they could find. Madam Pince was a librarian at Hogwarts! Oh Mister Wales, how I suffer as thy gazes, she thought as she mused over one of his daydream sessions.
She cleared her throat, “Pardon, Madam Pince.” And she walked away as fast as she could into the depth of books, and feeling glee about Mister Wales. She missed that old man. She noticed there were few students in the library (which most spending their time recounted their summer holiday in their common room, maybe). Some of them already started skimming through their new text books, and some well…reacquainted with their love of their life. She shook her head as she tried to find reason what so romantic about books and dusts that kind of brought such heated snogging sessions.
She was having fun in her endless tour around Hogwarts. And she found herself a favorite spot, a big tree stood alone in front of the Black Lake. She spent most of her time there, studying her lessons while enjoying the scenery from now-so-called her tree. She closed her eyes enjoying the soft breeze caressed her face. She terrified on walking toward Hogwarts, knowing that everyone had arrived. Will they like her? This was the second time where she will be surrounded by large community (which the first one was the foster system), and she didn’t know how well she handle that. What should she said to them? How she should react? Maybe she would find some friends? She shook her head, and jumped from the tree. She slung her new bag over her shoulder, and walked with ferocity that could slice through the wind toward the building, her home throughout the year.
Great Hall, up to its name really was impressive with the floating candles that brightened the hall, the ceiling much similar to her room ceiling resembled a wide sky (changes with day, parallel with the weathers nature given outside the school building). Four lengthy tables that would accommodate all students from respective houses were the obvious features of the hall, and another table at the front of the hall that would hold every staffs in Hogwarts. She walked to the most front of Ravenclaw table where she could see one of her newly made friend sat. There were not many students in the hall as it was still early for dinner. However she managed to grab attention from her fellows, as being the new face in their house.
“Hello, Cedric.” She greeted, as she sat down next to him. “What are you doing here?”
“Hermione my mate, don’t mind me.” He winked at her. “Gone swimming with the giant squid, eh? I thought you fancy me more than them.” He feigned being hurt.
“Shut it, flower boy.” She laughed at his antic. “Plus, I don’t think I would like to jeopardize my friendship with Cho. Your woman is quite a dame.”
“Well, she’s hot.” He shrugged. “I am crushed.” She laughed harder at that.
“Good to know that, dear.” Cho appeared next to him and kissed him on his cheek, joining them at the table.
“Urgh, I can’t wait for my meal. I’m starving.” Hermione said, after greeted her with a small hello.
“Tell me about it. This day couldn’t be more dreadful than cleaning the owls’ poops.” He scrunched his nose at that.
“Not my fault that you managed to get detention, before the school even started.” She patted him on his back.
“Bollocks! That damn Perves. Why Professor Dumbledore still keeping him here? Total mess he is.”
“Now now, Cedric. There is no such need to swear.” Cho reprimanded him, but then smiled lovingly at him. He gave her the comparable smile.
“Not only Perves, you know. You, my mate are total mess as well.” Hermione shook her head.
He looked around and noticed that there were still not many students in the hall. It is time for dinner, right? “Where is everyone?” He asked.
“Oh, right.” Both of them looked at Cho. “We have visitors this year from two big wizarding schools. Most of them go to see their arrival at Wooden Bridge. Too crowded so, I decided to just wait here. Wait, both of you didn’t know?” She couldn’t believe that.
“Mmmm, well. I was busy with the poops…” Both snickered at him. “What? At least I was not busy snogging with merpeoples like Hermione here. Weird taste she had.”
“I’m not snogging with….” She was stopped by the sudden chatters from vast amount of student that just entered the hall. Students started to fill their respective table, and she could see, at the front teachers and staffs already occupied their own seat. She saw Cedric stood, and pecked his girlfriend lips.
“Better go to my own table, don’t want to be called traitor. We are still enemy even though how much I love both of you.” He smirked, and walked away leaving his girlfriend shook her head amused by his tease.
“Arse.” Hermione chuckled.
“That he is.” She smiled.
When everyone seemed to calm down at their own seat (at the same time Cho introduced her to the other Ravenclaws which made her sweat in her palm but felt comfortable afterward when all of them gave her the warm welcome that she need) after the sorting session by Professor Mcgonagall, the headmaster walked from his imposing gold chair and stood in front of the podium. Every students and staffs took it as a cue to keep silent and gave their headmaster respect for the coming speech.
“Well now that we’re all settled in and sorted, I’d like to make an announcement.” He looked at the mass of student.
“This castle will not only be your home this year but a home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, The Triwizard Tournament. For those of you who do not know The Triwizard Tournament bring together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected to compete.”
“Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone… And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted...” His voice echoed surrounded the hall, filled with might as to emphasis how dangerous the tournament was. Murmurs could be heard from the students. He then continued his speech.
“But more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madam Maxime.” And what a lovely ladies they were. Dressed in all blue, and walked like they own the place and own the show. Blue sparkling butterflies fluttered among them, intensified their beauty, blinding all the male students in the hall which could make them kneel upon the ground they walked. She was awed by the gigantic woman, which was apparently the said headmistress. But her awe was broken by this one most beautiful person she had ever seen. Her blue eyes were so hypnotics, that she hardly could tore her gazes from her, well if it not for Cho whose shook her and informed her that they are Veelas. If only if she still looked into the blue eyes, she would then see the small smile curved on that beautiful face.
“And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff.” Hermione was too excited about the new guest that she solely focused toward the main door, as she didn’t noticed the blue pack was settled at their table, nor that she noticed that one lady sat in front of her. Please don’t blame her as she was too amazed by the dragon fireworks (that she then decided to talk to the guy that conjured it as soon as they done with the ceremony). And she was also busy looking for this Victor Krum, the famous quidditch player they said. A roar of clapped and cheers filled the hall, and as soon as she turned her head to look at Professor Dumbledore, then, just then she found herself staring at the woman in front of her. She realized that she must be very open in her staring, as the girl smirked at her. She heard her chuckled after that and she knew why. Her face must be very red at that moment, she couldn’t help it.
“I’d like to say a few words.” She swallowed and hastily turned her attention toward Professor Dumbledore.
“Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins The Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks, three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. After few considerations, for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for The Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final.”
She stopped listening to him after awhile. She didn’t care about whose safety during the tournament. She didn’t care about the rules. Her mind at that moment was occupied by the sudden appearance of a man from the door behind the staffs. She heard Roger boy said something about him being an auror. She frowned because that man triggered her survival instinct, the beast inside her was screaming, compel her to attack the man. She was stopped by Albus hugging the man. But that doesn’t stop her from rewinding what she had heard inside that man mind.
Harry Potter, Harry Potter. Must bring Harry Potter.
She glanced at the boy who lived across their table. But she was too primitive in her thought, as the smell of foods appeared on their table successfully distracted her. Cho laughed at her when she grabbed a handful of fried drumsticks to her plate.
“I’ve told you that I’m hungry.” She mumbled, then wolfing down her chickens with so much happiness in her face. Of course she felt happy, thankful even as since she came to Hogwarts never in her time there she worried about starving herself as when she was in London. She still remembered manners and etiquettes and she wanted to eat as graceful as possible. It just that first she was too hungry, and second she didn’t care a damn as long as her tummy full. She didn’t care about other food, as fried chicken is the winner.
“Tell me when it is the time that you are not hungry, Hermione?” She smiled fondly at her. “Might as well let you sit next to the red hair Weasley, both are you seem like sharing the same passion…in anything edible.”
“Shut it. But one thing for sure, I’m nicer to see.” She remarked. Cho could only laugh at that and moved the plate of fried drumsticks closer to Hermione. She noticed that from the first day they met, Hermione favorite was indeed the said dish.
“May I have those?” Such an angelic voice rang in her ears. Oh shite, she thought. She totally forgot about the woman sat opposite of her. She looked up and again she couldn’t help herself drown into the pool of her blue eyes.
“Mmmh?” She murmured. Can I be more dumb than that, she hit herself mentally for such foolish response. She is a very compose person, dare to say that she is very charismatic and confident in herself. But this woman could make her look like a fool just by her existence. The woman was indeed beautiful, she admitted that.
“May I have those?” She repeated. She grinned, as to show that she noticed Hermione staring at her longer than what should be deemed appropriate.
“Sorry.” She could felt her face warmed up as she pushed the dish toward the woman.
“Merci.” She smirked at the blushing girl. Oh how that smirk stirred something within Hermione. She felt agitated, but somehow the feeling was welcome…
“I’m Fleur. Fleur Delacour.” She pulled out her hand to introduce herself. Hermione almost gasped, but instead she bit her lip when she touched her skin. Fleur, suit her well. The most beautiful flower on earth. Such a soft hand. Wait, what? “ This iz my younger sister, Gabrielle.”
“Hello Gabrielle. I’m Hermione.”
“And I’m Cho.” Cho announced herself.
Now that she fully looked at both of them, her sister was a total copy of Fleur, well in physical obviously. Their silky blonde hair, their pale smooth skins, their perfect blue eyes…she smiled at the younger sister tenacious streak. Apparently their outlook was in a different level, which Fleur, full of grace and poise, while her sister reminded Hermione of herself, clumsy as in a wild.
She looked at the Goblet of Fire, flaring with it magical blue flame, as to distract her from the beauty in front of her. Something big is coming. Whether it is bad or good, she didn’t have a damn clue.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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