Adam Smith (M)

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| Name |

Adam Lee Smith.

| Age |


| Gender |


| Sexuality |


| Ethnicity |


| Occupation |

High school student/Gas station clerk.

| Personality |

Adam is what one would describe as mysterious. He mostly keeps to himself. He isn't a huge people person and definitely savors his alone time. He is quite creative and musically talented. Once you get to know him, he's an absolute sweetheart and a huge softy. He is quite protective and won't hesitate to defend his family or loved ones.

| Face claim |

Jamie Blackley.

| Appearance |

| Appearance |

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| Likes |

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| Likes |

Adam has a huge passion for music. He could sit and write music and play his guitar for hours upon hours. He also likes being outdoors. Adam adores his alone time since people tend to suck the energy out of him. He wants to start a band one day.

| Dislikes |

Adam strongly dislikes school. He finds it a waste of his time since he doesn't plan on going to college. He also hates the jocks at his school, actually, he hates most kids at his school. He doesn't like arguing with people and getting mad but he can get hotheaded occasionally. He hates when people talk about his sister negatively.

| Strengths |

Adam is extremely musically talented. He also is quite smart but he doesn't want people to know that. He is also quite physically strong and he's gotten a lot of practice due to the fights he occasionally gets into at school.

| Weaknesses |

On the inside, Adam is a sweetheart. He's quite gentle with those he cares about. His loved ones are his biggest weakness. He fights tooth and nail for them. He also has a tendency to lose his temper and get into fights not only at school, but out in public too.

| Pets |


| Family |

Samatha - Mother
Charlie - Father
Mae - Little sister (deceased)

| Background |

Adam's family was just your regular family. His father was a lawyer, his mother was a dermatologist. They made quite a bit of money so Adam and his sister Mae, never really struggled on that aspect. All that changed when his little sister died. She had gotten into a car accident when she was being brought home from a friend's house. She died upon impact. Her death ripped the family apart. Adam's mother left, she couldn't bear to be in that house anymore. Adam's father lost his job and resorted to doing drugs and drinking heavily. Adam had to get a job once he turned 16 so that he could pay for the house bills and take care of his father.

| Scenario 1 |

You were driving down the road, needing a break from life. You wanted to go to a secluded place to clear your thoughts. You drove to an abandoned overlook. You got out of your car and made your way up the trail. You noticed Adam sitting on the ground by a cross. He had put a cross there in memory of his little sister. He visits the cross every Friday to talk to his sister. When he heard footsteps behind him, he quickly whipped around and wiped his tears from his face. "What are you doing here?" You...?

| Scenario 2 |

Make one up!

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