Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt love. And not the way you feel towards your parents. I mean the love towards a girl or a boy. I know I did. My name is Haneul, I was starting my second year in college, I played soccer, I surprisingly got high grades, and I'm kinda popular. But I had a passion that I don't talk about which is music. I know what you're thinking,"what's there to be ashamed of?" Apparently everything. When I mentioned it to everyone in my classes they all laughed at the idea of watching something as boring as an orchestra or symphony, so I tend to keep it a secret. On September 4, 2006, when I heard a soloist was going to perform in the auditorium, I practically died of excitement. So on this day I ran towards the auditorium, took a seat hoping nobody saw me, and when the coast was clear I relaxed. When the lights turned off and only the stage stayed lit, the soloist started playing, it was amazing, it was acoustic, and I was absolutely breath taken. I started to look around wishing someone else felt the same way I did, if they had the same expression as me. I looked to my right, nothing. Under me, nothing. Above me, nothing. Then to my left...and there I saw a woman as breath taken as I was. For some reason my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She gave off a smile but it wasn't a happy smile it was a melancholy (sad) smile. It was almost lonesome. When the man ended his song and the lights turned on I couldn't help but talk to her. I tapped on her shoulder, she shrugged slightly and looked at me, her eyes paralyzing me. The longer I looked in those beautiful hazel eyes the more I grew speechless and the more gorgeous she became."Y-yes?" She said while I realized I must have looked like a creep. "Oh I'm sorry but I noticed during the performance you seemed sad," I said with a worried face."'s nothing really. Thanks for noticing though," she said quietly. Just as she began to walk away I yelled out," What's your name?" She turned around, smiled, and said ---

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