Chapter 2

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Before I continue I'm really sorry for not posting but I felt sick and of course got kinda lazy. Aside from that I will now continue.

I walked towards my department but when I turned around I saw my three best friends. One of them is tall-ish with dyed Auburn hair and he usually wears loose clothing, and his name is Jung Chin-Mae. He prefers just Jung. Another is a couple feet smaller than me with dark brown hair, he is usually the positive one with a shy side, and he goes by Myung. The last one is the tallest out of all of us with brown hair but some of his strands of hair is dyed blonde, and his name is Chung Ae. So Jung is fun, bright, but troublesome. Myung is shy, super talented in drawing, and joyful. Chung Ae is a bit goofy, supportive, and sometimes sophisticated. They all turned in my direction and ran towards me. "Where were you?" Asked Jung. " Ummm...near the auditorium," I responded hoping that they didn't seem suspicious of me. "I think you're lying. It looked like you came out of the auditorium. Also, why so flushed?" Questioned Myung. "You see I ran to the auditorium cause I thought coach had told me to come here." "You are lying!" They said In unison. "What I-I'm not lying!" "Who was the girl, is she hot?" "Is she smart?" "Does she have short hair or long hair?" They all asked in order. I sighed and said,"Fine her name is,--

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